Quicklinks: Attributes | Action Codes | Export Codes | Designators | Date Formats | Shortcuts Look-up| aTbRef Site Map | aTbRef Search
TIP: use your web browser's Find function. To help locate relevant search words in the note titles listed below, use shortcut Cmd+F (⌘+F), type in the word of interest, press Return (↩) and the web browser will indicate the number of occurrences of that word, and show their position(s) within the listing below.
Note: As the Find feature is part of the web browser and not Tinderbox, the method does not work if viewing this page in-app in the Text:Preview pane. Also the manner in which matches are highlighted may vary depending on your choice of wen browser.
aTbRef Site Map [for v9.7.3b673 (10 Apr 2024)]
This is a map of the aTbRef website and reflects the Outline view layout notes in its source TBX. All titles link to the relevant web page in this site:
- A Tinderbox Reference File
- Install, Uninstall, Support and Registration
- To what does 'TB' refer?
- Technical Requirements
- Licence & Registration
- Installation
- Uninstalling Tinderbox
- Demo & Viewer mode
- Tinderbox documents
- Support
- Reporting Problems
- Tinderbox files have no '.tbx' extension
- Showing or hiding filename extensions via Finder
- Tinderbox files do not have a Tinderbox icon
- Tinderbox files don't open on double-click
- Checking or resetting old System attribute defaults
- Message: Tinderbox was unable to parse this file
- Where are crash and hang logs found?
- Resetting Preferences
- Image formats for embedding
- Preferences & Document Settings
- Objects in Tinderbox documents
- Automating Tinderbox
- Concepts
- Windows, Tabs & Views
- Hierarchy of Content
- Paths
- Uniqueness, duplicates and matching notes
- Attributes
- Prototypes
- Inheritance of attribute values
- Attribute value inheritance flows downwards
- Inheritance for Intrinsic or Read-only attributes
- Inheritance is not based on the actual outline of your data
- The Inheritance Cascade
- Inheritance and prototypes
- Prototypes can change the cascade—I
- Prototypes can change the cascade—II
- Prototype values override document defaults
- Note local values override inheritance
- Can inheritance be restored after setting a local value?
- Re-enabling inheritance—I
- Re-enabling inheritance—II
- Inherited local values without a prototype
- Re-setting all defaults
- Data export
- Data import
- Unicode
- Inline images
- Fonts: italics and bold
- Coding
- Use of Attributes
- Attribute Naming
- Attribute Data Types
- Action-Type Attributes
- Boolean-Type Attributes
- Color-Type Attributes
- Date-Type Attributes
- Dictionary-Type Attributes
- Email-Type Attributes
- File-Type Attributes
- Font-Type Attributes
- Interval-Type Attributes
- List-Type Attributes
- Number-Type Attributes
- Set-Type Attributes
- String-Type Attributes
- URL-Type Attributes
- Determining the data type of an attribute
- Default values for attribute Data Types
- Document versus Application: system attributes and defaults
- Renaming an attribute
- Keywords for Date-Type Attributes
- What are Displayed Attributes?
- Pre-populating Displayed Attributes pop-up lists
- Attribute inheritance of preferences and settings
- Intrinsic attributes
- Attribute Listings
- System Attribute List
- Abstract
- AccentColor
- AccessDate
- Address
- AdornmentCount
- AdornmentFont
- AgentAction
- AgentCaseSensitive
- AgentPriority
- AgentQuery
- Aliases
- ArticleTitle
- Associates
- Author2
- Author3
- Author4
- Authors
- AutoFetch
- AutoFetchCommand
- AutomaticIndent
- Badge
- BadgeMonochrome
- BadgeSize
- Base
- BeforeVisit
- Bend
- BookTitle
- Border
- BorderBevel
- BorderColor
- BorderDash
- CallNumber
- Caption
- CaptionAlignment
- CaptionColor
- CaptionFont
- CaptionOpacity
- CaptionSize
- Checked
- ChildCount
- ChosenWord
- City
- CleanupAction
- ClusterTerms
- CodeFont
- Color
- Color2
- Container
- Country
- Created
- CreatedFrom
- Creator
- Deck
- DescendantCount
- DEVONthinkGroup
- DEVONthinkLabel
- Direction
- DisplayedAttributes
- DisplayedAttributesDateFormat
- DisplayedAttributesFont
- DisplayedAttributesFontSize
- DisplayExpression
- DisplayExpressionDisabled
- DisplayName
- District
- DominantLanguage
- DueDate
- Edict
- EdictDisabled
- Edition
- EmailSubject
- EmailTemplate
- EndDate
- EstimatedNoteSize
- EvernoteNotebook
- File
- Fill
- FillOffsetY
- FillOpacity
- Flags
- FormattedAddress
- FullName
- GeocodedAddress
- GridColor
- GridColumns
- GridLabelFont
- GridLabels
- GridLabelSize
- GridOpacity
- GridRows
- Height
- HideDisplayedAttributes
- HideKeyAttributes
- HideTitle
- HoverBackgroundColor
- HoverExpression
- HoverFont
- HoverImage
- HoverOpacity
- HTMLBoldEnd
- HTMLBoldStart
- HTMLCloud1End
- HTMLCloud1Start
- HTMLCloud2End
- HTMLCloud2Start
- HTMLCloud3End
- HTMLCloud3Start
- HTMLCloud4End
- HTMLCloud4Start
- HTMLCloud5End
- HTMLCloud5Start
- HTMLCodeEnd
- HTMLCodeStart
- HTMLDontExport
- HTMLEntities
- HTMLExportAfter
- HTMLExportBefore
- HTMLExportChildren
- HTMLExportCommand
- HTMLExportExtension
- HTMLExportFileName
- HTMLExportFileNameSpacer
- HTMLExportPath
- HTMLExportTemplate
- HTMLFileNameLowerCase
- HTMLFileNameMaxLength
- HTMLFirstParagraphEnd
- HTMLFirstParagraphStart
- HTMLFont
- HTMLFontSize
- HTMLImageEnd
- HTMLImageStart
- HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd
- HTMLIndentedParagraphStart
- HTMLItalicEnd
- HTMLItalicStart
- HTMLLinkExtension
- HTMLListEnd
- HTMLListItemEnd
- HTMLListItemStart
- HTMLListStart
- HTMLMarkdown
- HTMLMarkDown
- HTMLMarkupText
- HTMLOrderedListEnd
- HTMLOrderedListItemEnd
- HTMLOrderedListItemStart
- HTMLOrderedListStart
- HTMLOverwriteImages
- HTMLParagraphEnd
- HTMLParagraphStart
- HTMLPreviewCommand
- HTMLStrikeEnd
- HTMLStrikeStart
- HTMLSubscriptEnd
- HTMLSubscriptStart
- HTMLSuperscriptEnd
- HTMLSuperscriptStart
- HTMLUnderlineEnd
- HTMLUnderlineStart
- ID
- IDString
- ImageCount
- ImageSizeLimit
- InboundLinkCount
- InteriorScale
- IrisAngle
- IrisRadius
- IsAction
- IsAdornment
- IsAgent
- IsAlias
- IsComposite
- IsMultiple
- IsPrototype
- IsSeparator
- Issue
- IsTemplate
- Journal
- KeyAttributeDateFormat
- KeyAttributeFont
- KeyAttributeFontSize
- KeyAttributes
- LastFetched
- Latitude
- LeafBase
- LeafBend
- LeafDirection
- LeafTip
- LeftMargin
- LineSpacing
- LocalAttributes
- Lock
- Longitude
- MapBackgroundAccentColor
- MapBackgroundColor
- MapBackgroundColor2
- MapBackgroundFill
- MapBackgroundFillOpacity
- MapBackgroundPattern
- MapBackgroundShadow
- MapBodyTextColor
- MapBodyTextSize
- MapNameSize
- MapPrototypeColor
- MapScrollX
- MapScrollY
- MapTextSize
- Modified
- mt_allow_comments
- mt_allow_pings
- mt_convert_breaks
- mt_keywords
- MyBoolean
- MyColor
- MyDate
- MyDictionary
- MyInterval
- MyList
- MyNumber
- MySet
- MyString
- Name
- NameAlignment
- NameBold
- NameColor
- NameFont
- NameLeading
- NameOpacity
- NameStrike
- NameVerticalAlignment
- NeverComposite
- NLNames
- NLOrganizations
- NLPlaces
- NLTags
- NoSpellling
- NotesFolder
- NotesID
- NotesModified
- NoteURL
- OnAdd
- OnJoin
- OnRemove
- OnVisit
- Opacity
- Organization
- OutboundLinkCount
- OutlineBackgroundColor
- OutlineColorSwatch
- OutlineDepth
- OutlineNameSize
- OutlineOrder
- OutlineTextSize
- Pages
- ParagraphSpacing
- Participants
- Path
- Pattern
- PlainLinkCount
- PlotBackgroundColor
- PlotBackgroundOpacity
- PlotColor
- PlotColorList
- PostalCode
- PosterCSS
- PosterLabels
- PosterSettings
- PosterTemplate
- PosterURL
- PosterX
- PosterY
- PosterZoom
- Private
- Prototype
- PrototypeBequeathsChildren
- PrototypeHighlightColor
- PublicationCity
- PublicationYear
- Publisher
- Range
- RawData
- ReadCount
- ReadOnly
- ReferenceDictionary
- ReferenceRIS
- ReferenceTitle
- ReferenceURL
- RefFormat
- RefKeywords
- RefType
- Requirements
- ResetAction
- RightMargin
- Role
- RSSChannelTemplate
- RSSItemLimit
- RSSItemTemplate
- Rule
- RuleDisabled
- ScreenHeight
- ScreenWidth
- ScrivenerID
- ScrivenerKeywords
- ScrivenerLabel
- ScrivenerLabelID
- ScrivenerNote
- ScrivenerStatus
- ScrivenerStatusID
- ScrivenerType
- Searchable
- SelectionCount
- Sentiment
- Sentiments
- Separator
- Shadow
- ShadowBlur
- ShadowColor
- ShadowDistance
- Shape
- ShowTitle
- SiblingOrder
- SimplenoteKey
- SimplenoteModified
- SimplenoteSync
- SimplenoteTags
- SimplenoteVersion
- SmartLinks
- SmartQuotes
- Sort
- SortAlso
- SortAlsoTransform
- SortBackward
- SortBackwardAlso
- SortTransform
- SourceCreated
- SourceModifed
- SourceURL
- StartDate
- State
- Sticky
- Stripe
- StripeColor
- Subtitle
- SubtitleColor
- SubtitleOpacity
- SubtitleSize
- SyntaxHighlighting
- TableAttributes
- TableExpression
- TableFormat
- TableHeading
- TableHidden
- Tabs
- Tags
- Telephone
- Text
- TextAlign
- TextBackgroundColor
- TextColor
- TextColorBlue
- TextColorGray
- TextColorGreen
- TextColorRed
- TextExportTemplate
- TextFont
- TextFontSize
- TextHighlightBlue
- TextHighlightGreen
- TextHighlightMagenta
- TextHighlightRed
- TextHighlightYellow
- TextLength
- TextLinkCount
- TextPaneRatio
- TextPaneWidth
- TextSidebar
- TextWindowHeight
- TextWindowWidth
- TimelineAliases
- TimelineBand
- TimelineBandLabelColor
- TimelineBandLabelOpacity
- TimelineBandLabels
- TimelineColor
- TimelineDescendants
- TimelineEnd
- TimelineEndAttribute
- TimelineGridColor
- TimelineMarker
- TimelineScaleColor
- TimelineScaleColor2
- TimelineStart
- TimelineStartAttribute
- Tip
- TitleBackgroundColor
- TitleFont
- TitleForegroundColor
- TitleHeight
- TitleOpacity
- Tot
- UpdateTextLinksAfterRename
- ViewInBrowser
- Visits
- Volume
- WatchFolder
- WebLinkCount
- WeblogPostID
- Width
- WordCount
- Xpos
- Ypos
- Ziplinks
- System Attribute Groups within Tinderbox
- Agent Attributes
- AI Attributes
- Appearance Attributes
- Composites Attributes
- Events Attributes
- General Attributes
- Grid Attributes
- HTML Attributes
- Internal Attributes (4)
- Iris Attributes
- Map Attributes
- Net Attributes
- Outline Attributes
- People Attributes
- Places Attributes
- Poster Attributes
- References Attributes
- Sandbox Attributes
- Scrivener Attributes
- Sorting Attributes
- Storyspace Attributes
- Table Attributes
- TextFormat Attributes
- Textual Attributes
- Watch Attributes
- Weblog Attributes
- User Attributes
- Unusual attributes
- Attributes grouped by purpose
- Action code related attributes
- Agent configuration attributes
- Calculated data attributes
- Composite configuration attributes
- Data synch attributes
- Experimental attributes
- General data attributes
- Export purposes
- Import configuration attributes
- Locational data attributes
- Map configuration attributes
- Map item purposes
- Map item badge configuration attributes
- Map item border configuration attributes
- Map item caption configuration attributes
- Map item general configuration attributes
- Map item grid configuration attributes
- Map item shadow configuration attributes
- Map item subtitle configuration attributes
- Map item text configuration attributes
- Natural Language Processing attributes
- Note Displayed Attributes attributes
- Note Key Attributes attributes - replaced by Displayed Attributes
- Note text attributes
- Note title attributes
- Note window configuration attributes
- Outline configuration attributes
- Person detail attributes
- Poster configuration attributes
- Sort configuration attributes
- Special note type designator attributes
- Storyspace compatibility attributes
- Table view Attributes
- Test Attributes
- Timeline configuration attributes
- Timeline event configuration attributes
- Weblog configuration attributes
- Deprecated attributes
- Attributes settable via the UI
- System Attribute List
- Editing attribute values
- Setting or resetting an attribute's document default value
- Attributes - $ prefix notation
- Change to Number-based opacity attributes
- Use of Agents
- Agent & Queries
- Self-referring agents
- Aliases, children and descendants
- Controlling Agent Update Cycle Time
- Sorting Agent Results
- Manually triggering agent updates
- Action Code
- Actions
- Coloured syntax highlighting in Action code
- Basic action code syntax
- Expressions in Action code
- Basic Comparison Operators
- Compound Actions
- Conditional statements using multiple arguments
- Defining an 'item' object—a single item—in action code
- Defining 'group' list objects—one or more items—in action code
- Why is a text 'line' in action code actually a paragraph?
- Explicit declaration of lists using square brackets
- Explicit declaration of dictionaries using curly braces
- Punctuation and special characters in definitions, actions and expressions
- Semicolon: expression delimiter, code line end
- Semicolon: list and dictionary item delimiter
- Colon: dictionary key-value pair delimiter
- Colon: ad hoc delimiter in some action operators
- Dollar-sign prefix: attribute references
- Dollar-sign prefixed numbers: query back-references
- Dollar-sign prefixed numbers: macro arguments
- Parentheses: attribute 'offset' references (offset addressing)
- Parentheses: arguments for action code operators and user functions
- Parentheses: controlling parsing of code
- Square brackets: lists and nested lists
- Square brackets: dictionary data keys
- Square brackets: list indexes
- Square brackets: dictionary keys with multiple values
- Square brackets: in documentation, optional arguments
- Curly brackets: dictionaries and nested dictionaries
- Curly brackets: defining code blocks
- Caret delimiters: export code operators
- Forward slash: folder delimiter in paths
- Double forward slash: action code comments
- Backslash: escape character
- Full stop: dot-operators
- Comma: function argument delimiter
- Symbols used in Mathematical and Logical operations
- Symbols used in Regular Expressions
- Designators in actions
- Designators
- Comments in Action code
- Action code operator terminology explained
- Variables
- Functions
- Operators
- Full Operator List
- - (i.e. subtraction)
- -= (i.e. decrement)
- != (i.e. value inequality)
- ... (i.e. range)
- (!$AttributeName) (i.e. a short form test for no value)
- * (i.e. multiplication)
- / (i.e. division)
- & (i.e. query logical AND join)
- &= (i.e. logical AND assignment)
- %matches (query back-references)
- + (i.e. addition)
- + (i.e. string concatenation)
- += (i.e. increment)
- < (i.e. less than)
- <= (i.e. less than or equal to)
- = (i.e. value assignment)
- == (i.e. value equality)
- > (i.e. greater than)
- >= (i.e. greater than or equal to)
- | (i.e. query logical OR join)
- |= (i.e. logical OR assignment)
- $AttributeName (i.e. a short form test for value)
- $AttributeName[(scope)]
- $N (query back-reference)
- abs(sourceNum)
- action([scope,]codeStr)
- any(scope, condition)
- atan(radiansNum)
- attribute(attributeNameStr).keys
- attribute(attributeNameStr)[keyStr]
- attributeEncode(dataStr)
- avg_if(scope, condition, expressionStr)
- avg(scope, expressionStr)
- between(valueNum, minNum, maxNum)
- capitalize(dataStr)
- ceil(sourceNum)
- changed([scope])
- collect_if(scope, condition, expressionStr)
- collect(scope, expressionStr)
- Color.blue()
- Color.brightness()
- Color.format()
- Color.green()
- Color.hue()
- Color.red()
- Color.saturation()
- compositeFor(nameStr)
- compositeFor(nameStr):count
- compositeFor(nameStr):kind
- compositeFor(nameStr):name
- compositeFor(nameStr):role(roleStr)
- compositeFor(nameStr):roles
- compositeWithName(compositeNameStr)
- contains(item)
- cos(radiansNum)
- count_if(scope, condition)
- count(scope)
- covid([stateStr, countryStr|zipCodeStr], aDate, keywordStr)
- create([containerStr, ]nameStr)
- createAdornment([containerStr, ] nameStr)
- createAgent([containerStr, ]nameStr)
- createAttribute(nameStr[, dataType])
- createLink(sourceItem, destinationItem[, linkTypeStr])
- Date.day()
- Date.format(formatStr)
- Date.hour()
- Date.minute()
- Date.month()
- Date.second()
- Date.week()
- Date.weekday()
- Date.year()
- date(dateStr)
- date(yearNum, monthNum, dayNum[, hourNum, minNum])
- day(aDate[, dayNum])
- days(firstDate, lastDate)
- degrees(radiansNum)
- delete(scope)
- descendedFrom(item)
- Dictionary.add(itemDict)
- Dictionary.contains(keyStr)
- Dictionary.count()
- Dictionary.empty()
- Dictionary.extend(itemDict)
- Dictionary.icontains(keyStr)
- Dictionary.keys()
- Dictionary.size()
- dictionary(dictionaryStr)
- Dictionary[keyStr]
- distance(startItem, endItem)
- distanceTo(startItem, endItem)
- do(macroStr[,argumentsList])
- document.keys()
- document()
- document[keyStr]
- drivingTimeTo(item)
- eachLink(loopVar[,scope]){actions}
- escapeHTML(dataStr)
- eval([item], expressionStr)
- every(scope, condition)
- exp(powerNum)
- expand(scope,methodStr)
- exportedString(item[, templateStr])
- fail()
- fetch(urlStr,headersDict,attrNameStr,cmdStr[,httpMethod,POSTbody])
- find(scope)
- first(item[, childrenNum])
- firstWord(dataStr)
- floor(sourceNum)
- format(dataStr, formatStr[, additionalArguments])
- function
- hasLocalValue(attributeNameStr[, item])
- hour(aDate[, hoursNum])
- hours(startDate, endDate)
- idEncode(dataStr)
- if(condition){actions}[else{actions}]
- indented(depthNum[, item])
- inheritsFrom([item, ]prototypeStr)
- inside(item)
- Interval.day()
- Interval.format(formatStr)
- Interval.hour()
- Interval.minute()
- Interval.second()
- interval(dataStr)
- interval(startDate, endDate)
- isbn10(dataStr)
- isbn13(dataStr)
- isDuplicateName(item)
- JSON.each([pathStr]){actions}
- JSON.json[itemNum]
- JSON.json[keyStr]
- JSON.jsonValue(pathStr)
- jsonEncode(dataStr)
- last(item[, childrenNum])
- lastWord(dataStr)
- linkedFrom(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- linkedTo(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- linkFrom(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- linkFromOriginal(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- linkPath(pathNameStr[, startStr, endStr])
- links[(scope)].[directionStr].[linkTypeRegex].attributeNameRefStr
- linkTo(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- linkToOriginal(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- List.isort([attributeRefStr])
- List.nsort([attributeRefStr])
- List.select()
- List.sort([attributeRefStr])
- List.unique()
- list(expressionList)
- List/Set.any(loopVar, expressionStr)
- List/Set.asString()
- List/Set.at(itemNum)
- List/Set.avg()
- List/Set.collect_if(loopVar, condition, expressionStr)
- List/Set.collect(loopVar, expressionStr)
- List/Set.contains(matchStr)
- List/Set.count_if(loopVar, condition)
- List/Set.count()
- List/Set.countOccurrencesOf(literalStr)
- List/Set.each(loopVar){actions}
- List/Set.empty()
- List/Set.every(loopVar, expressionStr)
- List/Set.first()
- List/Set.format(formatStr)
- List/Set.icontains(matchStr)
- List/Set.intersect(aSet)
- List/Set.last()
- List/Set.lookup(keyStr)
- List/Set.max()
- List/Set.min()
- List/Set.randomItem()
- List/Set.remove(matchValue)
- List/Set.replace(regexMatchStr, replacementStr)
- List/Set.reverse()
- List/Set.size()
- List/Set.sum_if(loopVar, condition[, expressionStr])
- List/Set.sum()
- List/Set.tr(inStr, outStr)
- List/Set[itemNum]
- locale([localeCodeStr])
- log(sourceNum)
- lowercase(dataStr)
- max(numberList)
- min(numberList)
- minute(aDate[, minutesNum])
- minutes(startDate, endDate)
- mod(sourceNum, modulusNum)
- month(aDate[, monthsNum])
- months(startDate, endDate)
- neighbors(scope, distanceNum[, linkTypeStr])
- neighbors2(scope, distanceNum[, linkTypeStr])
- neighbors2Within(scope, distanceNum[, linkTypeStr])
- neighborsWithin(scope, distanceNum[, linkTypeStr])
- notify(headlineStr[, detailsStr, deliveryDateTime ])
- Number.ceil()
- Number.floor()
- Number.format(decimalsNum[, widthNum, padStr]|formatStr)
- Number.precision(decimalsNum)
- Number.round()
- originalLinkedFrom(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- originalLinkedTo(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- play(soundNameStr)
- pow(sourceNum, powerNum)
- radians(degreesNum)
- rand([maxNumber])
- require(featureName)
- return
- rgb(redNum, greenNum, blueNum)
- round(sourceNum)
- runCommand(commandStr[, inputsStr, dirStr])
- seconds(startDate, endDate)
- select()
- select(scope)
- show(msgString[, backgroundColor[,colorString]])
- similarTo(item[, notesNum])
- sin(sourceNum)
- sqrt(sourceNum)
- stamp([scope, ]stampName)
- String.beginsWith(matchStr)
- String.capitalize()
- String.captureJSON()
- String.captureLine([targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureNumber([targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureRest([targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureTo(matchStr[, targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureToken([targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureWord([targetAttributeStr])
- String.captureXML()
- String.contains(regexStr)
- String.containsAnyOf(regexList)
- String.countOccurrencesOf(literalStr)
- String.deleteCharacters(characterSet)
- String.eachLine(loopVar[:condition]){actions}
- String.empty()
- String.endsWith(matchStr)
- String.expect(matchStr)
- String.expectNumber()
- String.expectWhitespace()
- String.expectWord()
- String.extract(regexStr[, caseInsensitiveBln])
- String.extractAll(regexStr[, caseInsensitiveBln])
- String.failed()
- String.find(matchStr)
- String.following(matchStr)
- String.highlights([aColor])
- String.icontains(regexStr)
- String.icontainsAnyOf(regexList)
- String.json()
- String.jsonEncode()
- String.lowercase()
- String.next()
- String.nounList()
- String.paragraph(paraNum)
- String.paragraphCount()
- String.paragraphList()
- String.paragraphs(parasNum)
- String.replace(regexMatchStr, replacementStr)
- String.reverse()
- String.sentence([sentenceNum])
- String.sentences()
- String.show([backgroundColor[,colorString]])
- String.size()
- String.skip(charsNum)
- String.skipLine()
- String.skipTo(matchStr)
- String.skipToNumber()
- String.skipWhitespace()
- String.speak([voiceNameStr])
- String.split(regexStr)
- String.substr(startNum[, lengthNum])
- String.toNumber()
- String.tr(inStr[, outStr])
- String.trim([filterStr])
- String.try{actions}[.thenTry{actions}]
- String.uppercase()
- String.wordCount()
- String.wordList()
- String.words(wordsNum)
- StyledString.bold()
- StyledString.fontSize(pointSizeNum)
- StyledString.italic()
- StyledString.plain()
- StyledString.strike()
- StyledString.textColor(aColor)
- substr(dataStr, startNum[, lengthNum])
- sum_if(scope, condition, expressionStr)
- sum(scope, expressionStr)
- tan(radiansNum)
- time(aDate, hoursNum, minutesNum, secondsNum)
- time(aDate)
- twitter(usernameStr, statusStr)
- type(attributeNameStr)
- unlinkFrom(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- unlinkFromOriginal(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- unlinkTo(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- unlinkToOriginal(scope[, linkTypeStr])
- update(scope)
- uppercase(dataStr)
- urlEncode(dataStr)
- values([scope, ]attributeNameStr)
- var
- version()
- weeks(startDate, endDate)
- while(condition){}
- word(dataStr)
- wordsRelatedTo(dataStr[, wordsNum])
- XML.each(pathStr){action}
- XML.xml(pathStr)
- year(aDate[, yearsNum])
- years(startDate, endDate)
- Action Operator Types
- Assignment operators
- Color operators
- Composite operators
- Data manipulation operators
- Date-time operators
- Dictionary, Set & List operations operators
- Document configuration operators
- Formatting operators
- Linking operators
- Mathematical operators
- Non-query Boolean operators
- Query Boolean operators
- Stream parsing operators
- Action Operator Scope
- Action Operator Functional Types
- Listing of dot-operators
- Listing of non dot-operators with dot-operator versions
- Listing of operators with link type filters
- Listing of operators emitting styled text
- Listing of operators for Stream Parsing
- Listing of operators that can use regular expressions
- Listing of operators with scoping arguments
- Listing of operators with optional arguments
- Listing of operators with conditional arguments
- Listing of operators with loop variables
- Full Operator List
- Problematic Characters for Action code in $Name and $Path
- Conditional Actions (if clauses)
- Counting characters in strings
- Getting and setting attribute values and inheritance
- Delaying code execution in prototypes and notes using prototypes
- Stream Processing and parsing
- Using attributes as global variables or constants
- Chaining 'dot' operators
- Look-up tables
- Actions, Stamps and Quickstamps
- Self-Cancelling Rules & Actions
- Using regular expression back-references
- Using long sections of code—code notes
- Using .each() for loops
- Constructing $Attribute references in loops
- Detecting first or last item context in loops
- Adding joins in loops
- Concatenation versus addition
- Parentheses as a guide to code execution
- Updates and cascading actions
- Optimising code for performance
- Checking and setting Time correctly in Date data
- Debugging user-written Action code
- Use small deliberate test documents
- Break the code into discrete steps
- Be aware of context of execution and addressing
- Re-check documentation
- Using code notes for large code sections.
- Store interim code values in variables or attributes
- Store constant values in a note
- Viewing interim values via placards
- Using a log file to review interim code outputs
- Comment code and attribute descriptions
- Annotate your process if not simple
- Use the Tinderbox Inspector's tabs
- Abstract re-used patterns to functions
- Is it really a bug?
- There was a crash or hang
- Export code
- Use of the Command Line
- Getting section numbering via Action code
- Moving notes by setting $Container
- Strings vs. StyledStrings in operator documentation
- Type coercion, strings and numbers
- Sorting Date-type data
- Links
- Macros
- Export Codes
- Export Codes - Full Listing
- ^action( action )^
- ^ancestors( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end ])^
- ^backslashEncode( data )^
- ^basicLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^childLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^children( [template][,N] )^
- ^cloud( item, count] )^
- ^comment( data )^
- ^descendants( [template][,N] )^
- ^directory( item )^
- ^do( theMacro [,argument, anotherArgument, etc.] )^
- ^docTitle^
- ^documentCloud( [count] )^
- ^else^
- ^endIf^
- ^file( item )^
- ^host^
- ^if( condition )^
- ^inboundBasicLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^
- ^inboundLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^inboundTextLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^
- ^include( ^value(item|group)^[, ^value(template)^] )^
- ^indent( [data][, N] )^
- ^linkTo( item [, data] [,css class] )^
- ^nextSibling^
- ^not(condition)^
- ^outboundBasicLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^
- ^outboundLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^outboundTextLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^
- ^outboundWebLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^
- ^paragraphs( [item,] N )^
- ^path[( item )]^
- ^previousSibling^
- ^randomChildOf( item )^
- ^randomLine( item )^
- ^root^
- ^sectionCloud( [item, count] )^
- ^sectionNumber( item )^
- ^setRoot( [newRoot] )^
- ^siblings( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^similarTo( item, count[, start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^
- ^text( [item, N, plain] )^
- ^title( [item] )^
- ^url( item )^
- ^value(expression)^
- ^version^
- Export Code Types
- Export Code Scope
- Using Export Code
- Altering mark-up for Export Code generated lists
- Debugging user Export code
- Export Code Arguments
- Export codes honouring link types
- Export Codes - Full Listing
- Tinderbox URL schema
- Use of Attributes
- Coding conventions
- Case-sensitivity
- Lexical vs. numerical sorting
- Quoting and escaping strings in Tinderbox coding
- Code: Straight vs. Typographic 'curly' quote characters
- Attribute references: quoting of literal strings vs. paths
- Quoting Regular Expressions
- Using $ and quotes in Export code
- Single and double quotes
- aTbRef's naming conventions
- Code examples using attributes with a 'My' prefix
- Square Brackets in code operator explanations
- Deprecated Usage
- Concepts
- Windows
- Document Window
- OS-level Document tab bar
- Toolbar
- Tabs and the tab bar
- Multiple document windows
- Document Windows, Tabs and selections
- Breadcrumb bar (for hoisted main views)
- Window saved tabs Gallery pane
- Command Bar
- Using the pane splitter
- View pane
- Attribute Browser view
- Chart view
- Crosstabs view
- Hyperbolic view
- Map view
- Adding notes to an existing map
- Adornments
- Background patterns
- Containers
- Dashboard concept
- Force Directed Layout: 'Dance'
- Links
- Map Composites
- Map Coordinates
- Map grid & guides
- Map overview mode
- Map object icons
- Auto-coloured note titles
- Badges on icons
- Captions
- Content Dogears
- Icon dashed borders
- Icon drop-shadows
- Icon fill textures
- Icon stripes
- Note Flags
- Opacity & Transparency
- Note progress bars
- Note, Container and Agent icon layout
- Notes accommodate titles
- Notes displaying body text
- Note icon size and prototypes
- Notes with images in text
- Shaped Map notes
- Subtitles
- Map Units
- Navigating map views
- Positioning newly created notes
- Map Posters
- Re-arrangeable Agent Maps
- Scrolling newly opened maps
- Selecting a prototype in Map view
- Stacking and overlapping items
- Map Settings pop-over
- Outline view
- Outline Settings pop-over
- Altering Scope of Outline views
- Checkboxes
- Colour Swatches
- Coloured Backgrounds and Selections
- Column view: displaying and editing column data
- Copying column view data as tabular data
- Double-clicking Outline background
- Drag re-arranging notes in Outline view
- Flags in outlines
- Horizontal scolling
- Outline filter
- Selecting Prototype via Outline icon
- Separators
- Table view
- Timeline view
- Adding, deleting or moving events
- Alternative Date attributes
- Colouring the Timeline's main view
- Dragging event notes
- Item styling, markers & duration
- Items undated or outside current date range
- Link visualisation
- Scope of inclusion for notes
- Timeline adornments
- Timeline bands
- Timeline customisations: items vs. view level
- Timeline scalebar
- Timeline Settings pop-over
- Treemap view
- Find toolbar (view pane)
- View filter toolbar
- Text pane
- Secondary windows
- Inspector
- Document Window
- Dialogs
- About Tinderbox dialog
- Add Displayed Attributes pop-over
- Attribute Browser Action pop-up
- Attribute Browser Export
- Attribute Browser Query pop-up
- Badge pop-up picker
- Browse Links pop-over
- Chart Settings pop-over
- Cleanup view tab
- Column view, column format pop-up
- Create Link from alias pop-over
- Create Link pop-over
- Crosstabs view axis configuration pop-over
- Crosstabs view secondary configuration pop-over
- Custom Color colour picker dialog
- Customize Toolbar panel
- Dance pop-up
- Date picker pop-over
- Define new Displayed Attributes pop-over
- Edit Background dialog
- Emoji & Symbols pop-over
- Error List pop-over
- Explode pop-over
- Export as Outline panel
- Export as Text panel
- Export HTML progress bar
- Find results pop-over
- Find results stand-alone dialog
- Fonts dialog
- Get Info pop-over
- Get Info stand-alone dialog
- Grid Properties pop-over
- HTML Export folder dialog
- Link parking space (empty) click pop-over
- Link parking space click pop-over
- Link widget context pop-up
- List panel
- Make Web Link pop-over
- Map Settings pop-over
- Multi-window close confirmation pane
- Outline Settings pop-over
- Roadmap pop-over
- Roadmap stand-alone dialog
- Spelling and Grammar dialog
- Substitutions dialog
- Summary Display Properties pop-over
- Table dialog
- Table view Edit columns pop-over dialog
- Text pane with $Text selection, Link parking space click pop-over
- Text pane, Link parking space click pop-over
- Timeline Settings pop-over
- Tinderbox Help dialog
- Tinderbox News dialog
- Treemap Settings pop-over
- What's New dialog
- Menus
- Main menu bar
- Menus & sub-menus
- Pop-up menus and lists
- Agent Priority pop-up list
- Alignment pop-up list
- Attribute Type pop-up list
- Border Style pop-up list
- Border Width pop-up list
- Cleanup Action pop-up list
- Color Shade pop-up list
- Crosstabs view cell context menu
- Default Badge list
- Defined Colors pop-up list
- Displayed Attributes date format pop-up list
- Displayed Attributes table context pop-up
- Displayed Attributes, Value pop-up list
- Fills pop-up menu
- Find Results context menu
- Hyperbolic view context menu.
- Layout Orientation sub-menu
- Line Spacing pop-up list
- Link Types pop-up list
- Paragraph Spacing pop-up list
- Pattern pop-up list
- Prototype pop-up list
- Shape pop-up list
- Share sub-menu
- Sort pop-up list
- Sort Transform pop-up list
- Tab pop-up menu
- Table view column pop-up Format sub-menu
- Table view column pop-up menu
- Table view row cell edit pop-up menu
- Table view row pop-up Copy sub-menu
- Table view row pop-up menu
- Template pop-up menu
- Text pane, Find input Pattern pop-up
- Text pane, Find input pop-up
- Text pane, HTML tab, pop-up menu
- Text pane, no text selection, pop-up menu
- Text pane, Preview tab, pop-up menu
- Text pane, text selected, pop-up menu
- Texture pop-up list
- Title size pop-up list
- View pane (note selected), pop-up menu
- View pane Find, pop-up menu
- View pane, Attribute Browser (note selected), pop-up menu
- View pane, pop-up menu
- View pane, Treemap (note selected): pop-up menu
- Visual Styling
- Text Markups
- Colouring $Text
- Higlighting $Text
- Shapes, borders, patterns and fills
- rectangle or normal
- Pattern: lines
- Pattern: gradient
- Pattern: diagonal
- Pattern: cylinder
- Pattern: radial
- Pattern: bar(30)
- Pattern: vbar(70)
- Pattern: bargraph() (for container plot only)
- Pattern: plot() (for container plot only)
- Pattern: xyplot() (for container plot only)
- Pattern: ring() (for container plot only)
- Pattern: pie() (for container plot only)
- Tinderbox built-in fonts
- Chart of Tinderbox's defined colours
- Chart of example shapes, borders and patterns
- Note Colours
- Misc. User Interface Aspects
- Age Colouring of Notes
- Agent's AgentPriority Status shown in Icon
- Anonymised Data Sharing
- Attribute name styles in listings
- Auto-deletion of untitled notes
- Autocompletion of input
- Automatic Geocoding
- Automatic re-open of last-used TBX
- Automatic Saving
- Badges
- Blind typing in view window
- Built-in composites
- Built-in export Templates
- Built-in Hints container
- Built-in Prototypes
- Prototype: Action
- Prototype: Code
- Prototype: Dashboard
- Prototype: Event
- Prototype: Exploded Notes
- Prototype: HTML
- Auto-set Prototype: Imported from DEVONthink
- Auto-set Prototype: Imported from Finder
- Auto-set Prototype: Imported from Notes
- Auto-set Prototype: Imported from Tot
- Prototype: Markdown
- Prototype: Person
- Prototype: Place
- Prototype: Poster
- Prototype: Reference
- Prototype: Task
- Closing pop-overs
- Composites
- Container Sorting and Transforms
- Content and Type Dependent Icons
- Copying or Moving notes within Tinderbox
- Copying or Moving text within Tinderbox
- Creating draft emails
- Creating Footnote notes
- Current attribute: shared by Quickstamp and Get Info
- Default note colours & patterns
- Display Expressions
- Displayed Attributes replace Key Attributes
- Dragging notes between TBXs
- Embedded image fills
- Features needing more recent OS versions
- Finder Quicklook
- Focus View, Expand View
- Full Screen mode
- Hoisting view on childless containers
- Hover Expressions
- Hover Images
- In-place title editing
- Link creation and parking tools
- Link Indication in Note Icon
- macOS Dark or Light modes
- Message placards
- Naming of duplicated notes
- Navigating via links
- New note name parsing for prototypes and locations
- Non-editable notes
- Outline vs. Map Interface
- Pane focus indicator
- Pasting notes: creation and modification dates
- Pictures in notes
- Previewing and exporting note content
- Selecting notes
- Sentiment Analysis
- Setting a prototype
- Spell Checking scope
- Suggest Attribute value lists
- Tear-off windows
- Text for multiple selections
- Title Strike-Through
- View filters
- Wrapping of long titles
- Formatting
- Command Line
- Copy to Clipboard
- Date Formats
- Dragging text within $Text
- Number Currency Formats
- Duplicating items
- Last-used OS folder
- Linking to local files (File-type attributes)
- Markdown preview rendering
- Negative Dates for years BCE or BC
- OS Services
- Quick Lists
- Reset $Text formatting
- Spotlight support
- Smart Dashes
- Smart Links and URLs
- Smart Quotes
- Sorting Dates using $Sort
- Support for other app-specific formats
- Text line endings
- Time - Displaying and Setting Seconds
- Import
- AutoFetch
- AutoFetch commands
- Drag from $Text to Outline or Map to create a note
- Dragged folder links
- Dragging a URL from web browser
- Dragging Address info into Tinderbox
- Dragging content from DEVONthink to Tinderbox
- Dragging emails to Tinderbox
- Dragging HTML files to Tinderbox
- Dragging in Apple Calendar events
- Dragging TextClipping files to View pane
- Dragging URLs into Tinderbox views
- Dropping Text files into Tinderbox
- Exploding Notes
- Formatting dates for import to Tinderbox
- Importing from other file types and applications
- Importing Markdown files
- Inserting images into note $Text
- Natural Language Processing
- OPML Import
- Pasting a child to childless notes
- Pasting and Text Margins
- Pasting into Tinderbox and line ends
- Pasting into views
- Pasting notes to a different TBX: $Created and $Modified
- Pasting tab-indented outlines into a view
- Pasting web browser text into $Text
- RTF (rich text) import
- Setting up for Tab-Delimited Import
- Spreadsheet Import: CSV and Tab-Delimited Text
- vcard import
- Watched folders
- Watched Groups
- Working with $Text: support for styled text
- Export
- Aliases in HTML Export
- Attribute Browser Export
- Built-in Export Templates
- Copying from Column view
- Default Export Location
- Default export template
- Dragging from Tinderbox
- Email from Tinderbox
- Export code - default formatting for attribute data types
- Export - managing source code white space
- Export - name collision for created files
- Export - RSS and Atom feeds
- Export - splitting content and utility notes
- Export and links to page includes
- Export selected note or notes
- Export: 'envelope and letter' technique
- Exporting code samples
- Exporting files and OS case-sensitivity
- Export Folder OS Location
- Exporting Folders
- Exporting images
- Export: loops and joins
- Exporting Set-type data
- Exporting Tabular data as Tab-delim or CSV
- Export templates are notes
- Exported files and changes to file naming
- HTML Entities
- HTML Export & Unicode non-UTF-8 characters
- HTML Export - exporting folders
- HTML Export - page(s) based on multiple notes
- HTML Export - points to consider
- HTML Export - exporting only as an include
- HTML Export: ^^value^^ vs. ^^get^^
- HTML Export - alternate mark-up processor
- Moving Stamps
- OPML Export
- Outline Export
- Printing from Tinderbox
- RTF (rich text) export
- Support for other app-specific formats
- Tabs, Quick Lists, Fonts and Export
- Text styling that does not export
- Tinderbox metadata in pasted Tinderbox data
- UTF-8 Export
- Working with LaTeX
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keyboard shortcuts: keys and symbols
- Individual Shortcuts
- Align Center
- Align Left
- Align Right
- Attribute Browser view type
- Bold
- Browse Links
- Cancel Export
- Cancel Link
- Chart view type
- Check Document Now
- Clear Typeahead buffer
- Close [current TBX file's name]
- Close Current Text Link
- Close Window
- Collapse
- Command Bar
- Copy
- Copy Style
- Copy View As Image
- Create Agent
- Create Child Note—as first sibling
- Create Child Note—as last sibling
- Create Note
- Create Note above selected note (Map)
- Create Note below selected note (Map)
- Create Note to left of selected note (Map)
- Create Note—as previous sibling
- Crosstabs view shortcut
- Cut
- Cycle Tab selection
- Cycle Tab selection (reverse)
- Dance
- Delete current item (Outline)
- Delete entire word
- Delete to line end
- Deselect All
- Displayed Attributes table - toggle display
- Document Settings
- Drag-as-last-child
- Drag-create note aliases
- Drag-create note copies
- Drill Down (Map)
- Duplicate
- Edit-in-Place: abandon title edit
- Edit-in-Place: enter mode
- Edit-in-Place: exit mode
- Edit-in-Place: exit mode
- Edit-in-Place: split title at cursor
- Expand
- Expand All Descendants
- Expand Horizontally
- Expand Vertically
- Expand View (Map)
- Explode
- Extend Outline selection downwards
- Extend Outline selection upwards
- Find and Replace
- Find Next
- Find Previous
- Find text
- Find using $Text selection
- Focus view (other views)
- Follow text link
- Force Toggle Select tool
- Full Screen mode (toggle)
- Get Info
- Go Back
- Hide others
- Hide Tinderbox
- Horizontal Map Scroll
- Hyperbolic view
- Indent
- Insert Regex Pattern
- Italic
- Jump to Selection
- Link To Selection
- Magnify
- Make Alias
- Make Web Link
- Map view type
- Minimize
- Move main view selection down
- Move main view selection up
- Move Note Down
- Move Note Up
- Move To First (Outline, Chart)
- Move To Front (Map)
- Move To Last (Outline, Chart)
- Navigate (forwards)
- New (child Note)
- New (Note)
- New TBX document
- New Treemap View
- New Window
- Next Document Tab
- Next Tab
- Open (TBX file)
- Open Help menu
- Outline - Collapse or Expand All
- Outline - Demote Selection
- Outline - Hoist
- Outline - Promote Selection
- Outline - Show or Hide siblings
- Outline view type
- Page Setup
- Park Link
- Paste
- Paste and Match Style
- Paste Style
- Previous Document Tab
- Previous Tab
- Prototype
- Quickstamp
- Quit (Tinderbox) and Keep Windows
- Quit Tinderbox
- Redo (last edit or event)
- Rename
- Resize Window retaining text pane width
- Roadmap
- Save
- Save As…
- Scroll Page Down
- Scroll Page Up
- Scroll to bottom (End)
- Scroll to end of line
- Scroll to start of line
- Scroll to top (Home)
- Select All
- Selection - Add or Remove Item
- Selection - drag select
- Selection - Expand
- Selection of Read-Only Text
- Send Behind - Reversed (Cycle Open Windows)
- Send Behind (Cycle Open Windows)
- Send To Back (Map)
- Set cursor focus in text pane
- Set focus inside a link's anchor text
- Short Date
- Short Date and Time
- Show Dictionary pop-up
- Show Emoji and Symbols
- Show or Hide (text) Ruler
- Show or Hide Displayed Attributes
- Show or Hide Fonts
- Show or Hide Inspector
- Show or Hide Prototypes
- Show or Hide Quickstamp
- Show Original
- Show Original in New Tab
- Show Ruler
- Show Spelling and Grammar
- Shrink
- Special Characters
- Split Note
- Standard Scale
- Standard Size
- Start Dictation
- Stop Creating a Link
- Strikethrough
- Text - set Black ($TextFont) text
- Text - set Blue text
- Text - set Green text
- Text - set normal colour text
- Text - set Red text
- Text - set Warm Gray text
- Text - toggle Yellow-highlighted text
- Text (pane) Only
- Text pane - select next $OutlineOrder item
- Text pane - select previous $OutlineOrder item
- Text pane - show or hide Links pane
- Text pane - toggle focus
- Text Window
- Timeline view
- Tinderbox Preferences
- Toggle Displayed Attributes boolean
- Toggle Select Area tool
- Toggle Text Pane sub-tabs
- Toggle window focus
- Toggle zoomed map view
- Underline
- Underline links
- Undo (last edit or event)
- Unindent
- Update now (Agents)
- Use Filter
- Vertical Map Scroll
- View - Collapse All
- View - Expand All
- View (pane) Only
- View and Text (show both panes)
- Reverse Look-up Map
- Unicode Codes for Keyboard symbols
- Shortcuts for typing footnote marker symbols
- Conflicts with other apps
- Tinderbox Application Support folders
- Tinderbox File Types
- Syntax Library
- About aTbRef
- Tinderbox Documentation And Other Resources
- Change Log
- Previous Versions To Current Baseline
- Version release vendor URLs
- Understanding the layout of aTbRef webpages
- Install, Uninstall, Support and Registration
[Last updated: 13 Jul 2024, using v9.7.3]
Search within aTbRef95 website:
Using DuckDuckGo (Cmd+click for results in new window/tab):
Using Google (uses pop-up results window):
Quicklinks: Attributes | Action Codes | Export Codes | Designators | Date Formats | Shortcuts Look-up| aTbRef Site Map | aTbRef Search
A Tinderbox Reference File ('aTbRef') by Mark Anderson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at atbref.com/ [Also see aTbRef CC licence Attribution & Waiver information].
[Last exported: 13 Jul 2024, using Tinderbox v9.7.3].
Content, Tinderbox export and web template design all by Mark Anderson, (Shoantel Limited).
If this resource has helped you, please consider donating to help support aTbRef's ongoing development.