This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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- (i.e. subtraction)

Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Last Altered: 

 Operator  [other Operator type actions]

 Item  [operators of similar scope]

 Mathematical  [other Mathematical operators]


 As at baseline

- (i.e. subtraction)

The subtraction operator, - (minus sign character), returns the remainder of the argument before it when the argument after it is subtracted.

$MyNumber = 3-4; 

When mixing data types (a '-' might be intended as a hyphen) or if working with lists—i.e. List & Set types—see notes under concatenation.