This page lists all Tinderbox keyboard shortcuts ordered by the action key used with all variants (Cmd, Opt, etc.) grouped together.
Abbreviations used:
- Cmd: Command (⌘)
- Opt: Option (Alt) (⌥)
- Ctrl: Control (⌃)
- Esc: Escape (⎋)
- Fn: Function (fn)
Shortcuts - Reverse Listing:
A+[Cmd]: Select All
A+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Create Agent
A+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Attribute Browser view (change current tab's main view type)
A+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Deselect All. View and text panes (hold down all 3 modifiers to see in Edit menu)
B+[Cmd]: Bold
B+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Crosstabs view (change current tab's main view type)
C+[Cmd]: Copy
C+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Copy Style
C+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Copy View As Image
D+[Cmd]: Duplicate
D+[Cmd]+Shift]: Dance (map view only)
D+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]+Selection: show Dictionary pop-up (selected $Text)
E+[Cmd]: Use current selection for Find
E+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Cycle Text pane sub-tab selection (Text→Preview→Export→etc.) even if tab selectors are hidden
E+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Explode
F+[Cmd]: Find
F+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Find and Replace
F+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Enter/Leave Full Screen mode (toggle)
F+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: View pane, toggle Filter bar (Outline)
G+[Cmd]: Find Next
G+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Find Previous
H+[Cmd]: Hide Tinderbox
H+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Hide Others (all other open apps)
I+[Cmd]: Italic
I+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Get Info
J+[Cmd]: Jump to Selection
K+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Show/Hide Displayed Attributes (selected item in main view)
L+[Cmd]: Make Alias
L+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Browse Links
L+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Park Link (from current $Text selection)
L+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Link to Selection (untyped link from current $Text selection to note with case-sensitive $Name match)
L+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Make Web Link ($Text selection only)
M +[Cmd]+[Opt]: Map view (change current tab's main view type)
N+[Cmd]: New (TBX Document)
N+[Cmd]+[Shift]: New Window (for current document)
O+[Cmd]: Open (TBX Document)
O+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Outline view (change current tab's main view type)
P+[Cmd]: Print
P+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Page Setup
P +[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Insert Regex Pattern. NOTE: Text pane, only if find toolbar displayed.
Q+[Cmd]: Quit Tinderbox
Q+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Quit and Keep windows (hold Opt key to see in menu)
R+[Cmd]: Show Original
R+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Show Original in New Tab
R+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Chart view (change current tab's main view type)
R+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Show Ruler (if focus in text pane)
R+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shiftl]: Roadmap
S+[Cmd]: Save
S+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Duplicate (File menu)
S+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: Save As (File menu - hold Opt key to see in menu)
T+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Fonts
T+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Show/Hide Toolbar (for current window)
T+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Standard Size (set selection to default $TextFontSize)
T+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Standard Font (set selection to default $TextFont)
U+[Cmd]: Underline
U+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Open Command Bar (use Esc to close)
V+[Cmd]: Paste
V+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Paste Style
V+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: Paste and Match Style
W+[Cmd]: Close Window
W+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Hyperbolic View
W+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Close current TBX file (hold Shift key to see in menu)
X+[Cmd]: Cut
X+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text Window (open current note text pane as tear-off stand-alone window)
Y+[Cmd]+[Shift]: (when cursor is in $Text). Toggles yellow highlight on selected $Text.
Z+[Cmd]: Undo (last event)
Z+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Redo (last event)
1+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Inspector
1+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Red
2+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Quickstamp (Document Inspector, Quickstamp tab - focus goes to search box)
2+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Green
3+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Prototypes (Document Inspector, Prototype tab)
3+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Blue
4+[Cmd]: Text Only (hide main view pane). Focus switches to text pane.
4+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Gray
5+[Cmd]: View and Text (show both main view and text panes)
5+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Black (or $TextFont if not black)
6+[Cmd]: View Only (hide text pane). Focus switches to view pane if it was in the text pane
8+[Cmd]: Document Settings
9+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: View ▸ Expand All (v9.5.0)
0+[Cmd]: Standard Scale
0+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: View ▸ Collapse All (v9.5.0)
/+[Cmd]: Insert Short Date (in Note text)
/+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Insert Short Date and Time (in Note text)
/+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Open Help Menu (= [Cmd]+[?]) - main views only
:+[Cmd]: Show Spelling and Grammar
;+[Cmd]: Check Document Now (for spelling)
,+[Cmd]: Tinderbox Preferences
`+[Cmd]: Send Behind (Cycle Open Windows)
`+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Send Behind, reverse order (Cycle Open Windows)
' (single quote)
'+[Cmd]: Go Back. Navigate back along last traversed link.
- (use hyphen/minus key or number pad minus key)
-+[Cmd]: Shrink
-+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Strikethrough
.+[Cmd]: Cancel Export (during HTML or text export)
?+[Cmd]: Open Help menu (= [Cmd]+[Shift]+[/])
=+[Cmd]: Magnify
=+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Update Now (Agents). Also updates all edicts, once.
[+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Previous Tab
]+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Next Tab
{+[Cmd]: Align Left
}+[Cmd]: Align Right
|+[Cmd]: Align Center
Spacebar - Main view: Set cursor focus in text pane
Spacebar+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Show the system Special Characters dialog ('Emoji & symbols')
Spacebar - Displayed Attributes table or Get Info/attributes: Toggle state of boolean attribute
Left Arrow: Select Previous Sibling Note - Outline Order (Map)
Left Arrow: Select Parent (Chart).
Left Arrow: Collapses the selected note if expanded. Otherwise, it selects the parent of the selected note if the parent is visible in the view (Outline).
Left Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to start of line (in $Text pane)
Left Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to start of line (in $Text pane)
Left Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to start of current word, then start of previous word (in $Text pane)
Left Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, go to Home (top)
Right Arrow: Select Next Sibling Note - Outline Order (Map)
Right Arrow: Select First Child (Outline & Chart) - or collapse container if no child; expands the selected container note
Right Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to end of line (in $Text pane)
Right Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to end of line (in $Text pane)
Right Arrow+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Expand Horizontally
Right Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to end of current word, then end of next word (in $Text pane)
Right Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, go to End (bottom)
Up Arrow: Expand View (Map)
Up Arrow: Select Previous (Visible) Note (Outline & Chart)
Up Arrow: Select First (Visible) Note (Outline, if no note selected)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Move Note Up (Chart/Outline)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Expand View (Map)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[selection]: Expand View (other view types)
Up Arrow+[Ctrl]: Scroll Page Up
Up Arrow+[Shift]: Extend Outline view selection upwards by one note
Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text pane focus: select previous $OutlineOrder item in main view (Outline/Chart/Treemap view)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Expand view (Map view)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Move To Front
Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to start of $Text (in $Text pane)
Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to start of $Text (in $Text pane)
Up Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to beginning of current paragraph, then beginning of previous paragraph (in $Text pane)
Up Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, scroll one page (screen) up
Down Arrow: Drill Down (Map - with a note icon selected)
Down Arrow: Select Next (Visible) Note (Outline & Chart)
Down Arrow: Select First (Visible) Note (Outline, if no note selected)
Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Move Note Down (Chart/Outline)
Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Map view + selection: Drill Down
Down Arrow+[Ctrl]: Scroll Page Down
Down Arrow+[Shift]: Extend Outline view selection downwards by one note
Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text pane focus: select next $OutlineOrder item in main view (Outline/Chart/Treemap view)
Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Drill Down (Map)
Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Expand Vertically
Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Send To Back
Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to end of $Text (in $Text pane)
Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to end of $Text (in $Text pane)
Down Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to end of current paragraph, then end of next paragraph (in $Text pane)
Down Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, scroll one page (screen) down
Delete Back: Backspace key
Delete Back - Outline: Delete current item and select next item
Delete Back+[Cmd]: $Text area - Delete to beginning of line (from cursor)
Delete Back+[Opt]: $Text area - Delete to beginning of word (from cursor) or delete previous word
Delete Forward: if no key, use Delete key ( extended keyboard) or [Fn]+Backspace on laptop or wireless keyboards
Delete Forward - Outline: Delete current item and select next item
Delete Forward+[Cmd]: $Text area - Delete to end of line (from cursor)
Delete Forward+[Opt]: $Text area - Delete to end of word (from cursor) or delete next word
Return: Create Note (as next sibling)
Return: Edit-in-place mode: Exit mode
Return: Map view: create new note to right of current selection
Return: Roadmap: follow and set focus on selected link
Return+[Cmd]: Navigate (forwards). Follow the first listed link in Browse Links
Return+[Shift]: Create child note as last sibling
Return+[Shift]: Edit-in-place mode: exit and create a new note
Return+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Create new note below selected note (Map view)
Return+[Ctrl]: Create new note to left of selected note (Map view)
Return+[Ctrl]: Create note as previous sibling (Outline, Chart view)
Return+[Ctrl]: Edit-in-place mode: split title at insertion point (i.e. insert line break in title)
Return+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)
Return+[Opt]+[Shift]: Create child note as first sibling
Return+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Split the current note at the insertion cursor position (focus in $Text area of text pane)
Return+[Fn]: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)
Double-click: Create Note (in Outline/Map/Chart when no note selected)
Double-click: Edit note's title (in Outline/Map/Chart when a note selected) note a different result if an Outline icon is double-clicked
Double-click+[Outline Note icon]: Focus view ('Hoist' in older versions)
Double-click+Roadmap (clicking in in/outbound link lists): shift view focus to destination note
Double-click+[selected Map container icon]: Drill down (double click must be in viewport area of icon)
Tab - Outline: Demote current selection
Tab: Roadmap: cycles from first inbound link → first outbound link → link type → etc.
Tab+[Opt]: Toggle focus: $Text → first Displayed Attribute → main view → $Text
Tab+[Shift]: Outline - Promote current selection
Tab+[Ctrl]: Select next document tab
Tab+[Ctrl]+[Shift]: Select previous document tab
Enter: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)
Enter: Enter/Leave Edit-in-place mode (selected note in main view)
Esc: Stop creating a link (when link drag is active)
Esc: Clear typeahead buffer (major/minor views using typeahead)
Esc: Edit-in-place mode: exit edit mode, ignore current edits
Esc+[Opt]: invoke OS text autocomplete (view and text pane)
Home: Scroll $Text to start of note $Text without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)
End: Scroll $Text to end of note $Text without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)
Page Up: Scroll $Text up one page, by $Text pane size, without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)
Page Down: Scroll $Text up down page, by $Text pane size, without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)
[Cmd]: Force toggle Select tool
[Cmd]+drag-select: Select text in read-only notes.
[Cmd]+drag window edge: resize document window retaining text pane width.
[Cmd]+[Opt]: Underline links (Note $Text area only)
[Cmd]+[Shift]+drag: add to container as last ($OutlineOrder) sibling(s); default is to be added as first sibling
[Cmd]+[Opt]+[click]: (in link anchor text) follow link, i.e. open destination note
[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Toggle zoomed map view (show all contents)
[Option]: Toggle Select Area tool
[Option]+[click]: Text pane, click inside $Text link anchor without following link
[Option]+[drag or click]: View pane, duplicate clicked note (Map, Outline, possibly other views)
[Option]+[Shift]+[drag or click]: View pane, make alias of clicked note (Map, Outline, possibly other views)
[Ctrl]+[click]: Open content menu (OS feature)
Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Cmd]: Show/hide children of this and all sibling containers after this in $OutlineOrder (toggle)
Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Expand/Collapse All Containers (toggle)
Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Opt]: Expand All Descendants (toggle)
View selection+[click]+[Cmd]: Add/remove item
View selection+[click]+[Shift]: Expand selection
Mouse wheel - Vertical Map Scroll
Mouse wheel+[Shift]: Horizontal Map scroll
Mouse wheel+[Ctrl]: zoom screen (OS feature: System Prefs ▸ Accessibility)
[Outline icon]+[Double-click]: Focus view ('Hoist' in older versions)
Trackpad+[drag]: scroll view
[drag]+[Shift]: Timeline view maintain date (horizontal position) dragging between timebands (Shift must be pressed before commencing drag)
[drag]+[Shift]: Map view - constrain to horizontal/vertical movement and disable guides (Shift must be pressed before commencing drag)
[Fn] x 2: Start Dictation (tap key twice for OS Dictation function)
[F5]: View pane find bar, show suggested autocompletions