This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

Jump to the current version of aTbRef

Tinderbox v9 Icon

Reverse Look-up Map

This page lists all Tinderbox keyboard shortcuts ordered by the action key used with all variants (Cmd, Opt, etc.) grouped together.

Abbreviations used:

Shortcuts - Reverse Listing:


A+[Cmd]: Select All

A+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Create Agent

A+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Attribute Browser view (change current tab's main view type)

A+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Deselect All. View and text panes (hold down all 3 modifiers to see in Edit menu)


B+[Cmd]: Bold

B+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Crosstabs view (change current tab's main view type)


C+[Cmd]: Copy

C+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Copy Style

C+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Copy View As Image


D+[Cmd]: Duplicate

D+[Cmd]+Shift]: Dance (map view only)

D+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]+Selection: show Dictionary pop-up (selected $Text)


E+[Cmd]: Use current selection for Find

E+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Cycle Text pane sub-tab selection (Text→Preview→Export→etc.) even if tab selectors are hidden

E+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Explode


F+[Cmd]: Find

F+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Find and Replace

F+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Enter/Leave Full Screen mode (toggle)

F+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: View pane, toggle Filter bar (Outline)


G+[Cmd]: Find Next

G+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Find Previous


H+[Cmd]: Hide Tinderbox

H+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Hide Others (all other open apps)


I+[Cmd]: Italic

I+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Get Info


J+[Cmd]: Jump to Selection


K+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Show/Hide Displayed Attributes (selected item in main view)


L+[Cmd]: Make Alias

L+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Browse Links

L+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Park Link (from current $Text selection)

L+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Link to Selection (untyped link from current $Text selection to note with case-sensitive $Name match)

L+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Make Web Link ($Text selection only)



M +[Cmd]+[Opt]: Map view (change current tab's main view type)


N+[Cmd]: New (TBX Document)

N+[Cmd]+[Shift]: New Window (for current document)


O+[Cmd]: Open (TBX Document)

O+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Outline view (change current tab's main view type)


P+[Cmd]: Print

P+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Page Setup

P +[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Insert Regex Pattern. NOTE: Text pane, only if find toolbar displayed.


Q+[Cmd]: Quit Tinderbox

Q+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Quit and Keep windows (hold Opt key to see in menu)


R+[Cmd]: Show Original

R+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Show Original in New Tab

R+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Chart view (change current tab's main view type)

R+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Show Ruler (if focus in text pane)

R+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shiftl]: Roadmap


S+[Cmd]: Save

S+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Duplicate (File menu)

S+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: Save As (File menu - hold Opt key to see in menu)


T+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Fonts

T+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Show/Hide Toolbar (for current window)

T+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Standard Size (set selection to default $TextFontSize)

T+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Standard Font (set selection to default $TextFont)


U+[Cmd]: Underline

U+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Open Command Bar (use Esc to close)


V+[Cmd]: Paste

V+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Paste Style

V+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Shift]: Paste and Match Style


W+[Cmd]: Close Window

W+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Hyperbolic View

W+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Close current TBX file (hold Shift key to see in menu)


X+[Cmd]: Cut

X+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text Window (open current note text pane as tear-off stand-alone window)


Y+[Cmd]+[Shift]: (when cursor is in $Text). Toggles yellow highlight on selected $Text.


Z+[Cmd]: Undo (last event)

Z+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Redo (last event)


1+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Inspector

1+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Red


2+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Quickstamp (Document Inspector, Quickstamp tab - focus goes to search box)

2+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Green


3+[Cmd]: Show/Hide Prototypes (Document Inspector, Prototype tab)

3+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Blue


4+[Cmd]: Text Only (hide main view pane). Focus switches to text pane.

4+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Gray


5+[Cmd]: View and Text (show both main view and text panes)

5+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: $Text pane - Set selected text Black (or $TextFont if not black)


6+[Cmd]: View Only (hide text pane). Focus switches to view pane if it was in the text pane




8+[Cmd]: Document Settings


9+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: View ▸ Expand All (v9.5.0)


0+[Cmd]: Standard Scale

0+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: View ▸ Collapse All (v9.5.0)




/+[Cmd]: Insert Short Date (in Note text)

/+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Insert Short Date and Time (in Note text)

/+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Open Help Menu (= [Cmd]+[?]) - main views only


:+[Cmd]: Show Spelling and Grammar


;+[Cmd]: Check Document Now (for spelling)


,+[Cmd]: Tinderbox Preferences


`+[Cmd]: Send Behind (Cycle Open Windows)

`+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Send Behind, reverse order (Cycle Open Windows)


' (single quote)

'+[Cmd]: Go Back. Navigate back along last traversed link.


- (use hyphen/minus key or number pad minus key)

-+[Cmd]: Shrink

-+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Strikethrough


.+[Cmd]: Cancel Export (during HTML or text export)


?+[Cmd]: Open Help menu (= [Cmd]+[Shift]+[/])


=+[Cmd]: Magnify

=+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Update Now (Agents). Also updates all edicts, once.


[+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Previous Tab


]+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Next Tab


{+[Cmd]: Align Left


}+[Cmd]: Align Right


|+[Cmd]: Align Center


Spacebar - Main view: Set cursor focus in text pane

Spacebar+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Show the system Special Characters dialog ('Emoji & symbols')

Spacebar - Displayed Attributes table or Get Info/attributes: Toggle state of boolean attribute


Left Arrow: Select Previous Sibling Note - Outline Order (Map)

Left Arrow: Select Parent (Chart).

Left Arrow: Collapses the selected note if expanded. Otherwise, it selects the parent of the selected note if the parent is visible in the view (Outline).

Left Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to start of line (in $Text pane)

Left Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to start of line (in $Text pane)

Left Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to start of current word, then start of previous word (in $Text pane)

Left Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, go to Home (top)


Right Arrow: Select Next Sibling Note - Outline Order (Map)

Right Arrow: Select First Child (Outline & Chart) - or collapse container if no child; expands the selected container note

Right Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to end of line (in $Text pane)

Right Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to end of line (in $Text pane)

Right Arrow+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Expand Horizontally

Right Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to end of current word, then end of next word (in $Text pane)

Right Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, go to End (bottom)


Up Arrow: Expand View (Map)

Up Arrow: Select Previous (Visible) Note (Outline & Chart)

Up Arrow: Select First (Visible) Note (Outline, if no note selected)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Move Note Up (Chart/Outline)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Expand View (Map)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[selection]: Expand View (other view types)

Up Arrow+[Ctrl]: Scroll Page Up

Up Arrow+[Shift]: Extend Outline view selection upwards by one note

Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text pane focus: select previous $OutlineOrder item in main view (Outline/Chart/Treemap view)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Expand view (Map view)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Move To Front

Up Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to start of $Text (in $Text pane)

Up Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to start of $Text (in $Text pane)

Up Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to beginning of current paragraph, then beginning of previous paragraph (in $Text pane)

Up Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, scroll one page (screen) up


Down Arrow: Drill Down (Map - with a note icon selected)

Down Arrow: Select Next (Visible) Note (Outline & Chart)

Down Arrow: Select First (Visible) Note (Outline, if no note selected)

Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Move Note Down (Chart/Outline)

Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Map view + selection: Drill Down

Down Arrow+[Ctrl]: Scroll Page Down

Down Arrow+[Shift]: Extend Outline view selection downwards by one note

Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Text pane focus: select next $OutlineOrder item in main view (Outline/Chart/Treemap view)

Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Drill Down (Map)

Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Ctrl]: Expand Vertically

Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Send To Back

Down Arrow+[Cmd]: Move cursor to end of $Text (in $Text pane)

Down Arrow+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Extend selection to end of $Text (in $Text pane)

Down Arrow+[Opt]: Move cursor to end of current paragraph, then end of next paragraph (in $Text pane)

Down Arrow+[Fn]: Outline view, scroll one page (screen) down


Delete Back: Backspace key

Delete Back - Outline: Delete current item and select next item

Delete Back+[Cmd]: $Text area - Delete to beginning of line (from cursor)

Delete Back+[Opt]: $Text area - Delete to beginning of word (from cursor) or delete previous word


Delete Forward: if no key, use Delete key ( extended keyboard) or [Fn]+Backspace on laptop or wireless keyboards

Delete Forward - Outline: Delete current item and select next item

Delete Forward+[Cmd]: $Text area - Delete to end of line (from cursor)

Delete Forward+[Opt]: $Text area - Delete to end of word (from cursor) or delete next word


Return: Create Note (as next sibling)

Return: Edit-in-place mode: Exit mode

Return: Map view: create new note to right of current selection

Return: Roadmap: follow and set focus on selected link

Return+[Cmd]: Navigate (forwards). Follow the first listed link in Browse Links

Return+[Shift]: Create child note as last sibling

Return+[Shift]: Edit-in-place mode: exit and create a new note

Return+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Create new note below selected note (Map view)

Return+[Ctrl]: Create new note to left of selected note (Map view)

Return+[Ctrl]: Create note as previous sibling (Outline, Chart view)

Return+[Ctrl]: Edit-in-place mode: split title at insertion point (i.e. insert line break in title)

Return+[Cmd]+[Shift]: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)

Return+[Opt]+[Shift]: Create child note as first sibling

Return+[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Split the current note at the insertion cursor position (focus in $Text area of text pane)

Return+[Fn]: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)


Double-click: Create Note (in Outline/Map/Chart when no note selected)

Double-click: Edit note's title (in Outline/Map/Chart when a note selected) note a different result if an Outline icon is double-clicked

Double-click+[Outline Note icon]: Focus view ('Hoist' in older versions)

Double-click+Roadmap (clicking in in/outbound link lists): shift view focus to destination note

Double-click+[selected Map container icon]: Drill down (double click must be in viewport area of icon)


Tab - Outline: Demote current selection

Tab: Roadmap: cycles from first inbound link → first outbound link → link type → etc.

Tab+[Opt]: Toggle focus: $Text → first Displayed Attribute → main view → $Text

Tab+[Shift]: Outline - Promote current selection

Tab+[Ctrl]: Select next document tab

Tab+[Ctrl]+[Shift]: Select previous document tab


Enter: Rename selected note (enter edit mode)

Enter: Enter/Leave Edit-in-place mode (selected note in main view)


Esc: Stop creating a link (when link drag is active)

Esc: Clear typeahead buffer (major/minor views using typeahead)

Esc: Edit-in-place mode: exit edit mode, ignore current edits

Esc+[Opt]: invoke OS text autocomplete (view and text pane)


Home: Scroll $Text to start of note $Text without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)


End: Scroll $Text to end of note $Text without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)


Page Up: Scroll $Text up one page, by $Text pane size, without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)


Page Down: Scroll $Text up down page, by $Text pane size, without moving insertion point (in $Text pane)


[Cmd]: Force toggle Select tool

[Cmd]+drag-select: Select text in read-only notes.

[Cmd]+drag window edge: resize document window retaining text pane width.

[Cmd]+[Opt]: Underline links (Note $Text area only)

[Cmd]+[Shift]+drag: add to container as last ($OutlineOrder) sibling(s); default is to be added as first sibling

[Cmd]+[Opt]+[click]: (in link anchor text) follow link, i.e. open destination note

[Cmd]+[Opt]+[Ctrl]: Toggle zoomed map view (show all contents)


[Option]: Toggle Select Area tool

[Option]+[click]: Text pane, click inside $Text link anchor without following link

[Option]+[drag or click]: View pane, duplicate clicked note (Map, Outline, possibly other views)

[Option]+[Shift]+[drag or click]: View pane, make alias of clicked note (Map, Outline, possibly other views)


[Ctrl]+[click]: Open content menu (OS feature)


Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Cmd]: Show/hide children of this and all sibling containers after this in $OutlineOrder (toggle)

Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Cmd]+[Opt]: Expand/Collapse All Containers (toggle)

Outline disclosure triangle+[click]+[Opt]: Expand All Descendants (toggle)


View selection+[click]+[Cmd]: Add/remove item

View selection+[click]+[Shift]: Expand selection


Mouse wheel - Vertical Map Scroll

Mouse wheel+[Shift]: Horizontal Map scroll

Mouse wheel+[Ctrl]: zoom screen (OS feature: System Prefs ▸ Accessibility)


[Outline icon]+[Double-click]: Focus view ('Hoist' in older versions)


Trackpad+[drag]: scroll view


[drag]+[Shift]: Timeline view maintain date (horizontal position) dragging between timebands (Shift must be pressed before commencing drag)

[drag]+[Shift]: Map view - constrain to horizontal/vertical movement and disable guides (Shift must be pressed before commencing drag)


[Fn] x 2: Start Dictation (tap key twice for OS Dictation function)


[F5]: View pane find bar, show suggested autocompletions