This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Auto-deletion of untitled notes

From v9.7.0, automatic deletion of new 'untitled' notes occurs in both Outline and Map views. Closing title edit (e.g. clicking outside the $Name edit box) that has not been named , results in that note being deleted. This copes with the easy mistake of hitting Return by mistake and unintentionally creating a new note.

Note, however, that automatic deletion is deferred briefly after focus leaves title edit, allowing the user to click onto the text pane and begin typing without choosing a note name (or editing Displayed Attributes). If the note is given $Text or customised in any way, the automatic deletion is suppressed, so container OnAdd actions may suppress this feature inside the container.

From v9.7.1, in map view, dragging a link to the background creates a new note and completes the link. In this case, the untitled note is no longer automatically deleted.