Operator Type:
Operator Scope of Action:
Operator Purpose:
Operator First Added:
Operator Last Altered:
Operator Has Newer Dot-Operator Variant:
Function [other Function type actions]
Item [operators of similar scope]
Data manipulation [other Data manipulation operators]
As at baseline
show(msgString[, backgroundColor[,colorString]])
New to v9.5.2, the show(msgString) function allows a plain-text message to be shown in the front window's message placard.
The source text, msgString, may be a literal string, variable or a String-type attribute value.
The backgroundColor argument may be used on its own, but if the optional colorString arguments is used, then the backgroundColor argument must be given as well.
The full features and limitations of messages sent to the placard are described separately under the Message placards article.
The String.show() operator offers a dot-operator alternative.