This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Table rows

Each line in the table represents one note. Initially, all items are shown but Adornments, Separators, and notes with $TableHidden set to true are omitted. The view displays each included note on one line, i.e. a note per row.

Right-click the left column, or in any row, to apply styles to rows: see the menu article for how the current selection affects the outcome of the menu options. Right-clicking a row does not select that note or alter the existing row selection.

A selected row shows its corresponding note in the text pane: selecting multiple rows selects all the corresponding notes. For multiple selections, the text pane shows the title+text of all the selected notes. Deselecting all rows now correctly deselects all notes.

Stamping a selection applies to stamp to every note in the selection.

Blind typing the the table will select the next row containing the typed text.

Copying rows. Copy ( +C) copies the selected rows of the table. If no rows are selected, it copies the entire table.

In this view, the Delete (Backspace) key hides the selected row(s) rather than deleting them.