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Sort Transform pop-up list

Sort Transform pop-up list

Containers and agents may apply a transform before sorting string attributes. The transform is selected from a pop-up menu in the container or the Action Inspector's Sort sub-tab.

The resulting setting is stored in the attributes $SortTransform and $SortAlsoTransform which may also be set directly to control the sort transform.

The available transforms (further described here) include:

  • case-sensitive.
  • case-insensitive.
  • last word. This is useful to sort note titles that are names, i.e. 'John Doe' sorts as for 'Doe' not 'John...'.
  • original note. Sorts as per the $Outline order of the original of the alias.
  • library sorting. From v9.6.0, library sorting ignores initial words "a", "an", and "the". The defaults can be configured via the document's Hints section—see more detail for the 'library sorting' note.

See also: lexical vs. numerical sorting.