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Listing of dot-operators

'dot' operators in action code can be recognised because they:

Be aware that not all dot operators work meaningfully with all data types. For instance, property operators for Color-type data ( will not return data if attached to other data types.

The majority of dot operators relate to use of text-type data, i.e. String, List, or Set. In some cases, whilst the operator applies to more than one attribute data type, it works differently depending on the data type. A prime example is .format(), which has many data-type dependent behaviours.

As a result where a dot operator behaves differently per chained data type it is documented separately. Thus an operator chained to a particular type, for example, will not return data if chained to other types, unless documented otherwise.

An odd exception, that mimics dot operator behaviour but isn't a dot operator is links(). The latter using dot chained arguments, a usage that pre-dates the introduction of the dot operator behaviour.

In aTbRef listings, dot operators will be referred to with the data type before the dot, e.g., so that inline dots in text do not get misread as punctuation. In practice, would be used with any Color-type attribute:

$ = "#ff" 

A Date.minute would attach to a date attribute:

$MyNumber = $MyDate.minute 

With text-based dot operators a wider range of use is possible:

$MyNumber = $MyString.size() 

$MyNumber = "Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays.".size() 

$MyNumber = $MyList.size() 

$MyNumber = $MySet.size() 

$MyNumber = "Euryalus;Galatea;Hermione".size() 

Multiple dot operators can be 'chained' to connect a series of tasks.

The listing below shows the existing dot operators. As each is listed after the data type(s) with which it may be chained, this means some operators may be listed several times, once for each appropriate data type. The operators are: