This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Last Altered: 

 Function  [other Function type actions]

 Item  [operators of similar scope]

 Data manipulation  [other Data manipulation operators]


 As at baseline


This operator returns a Number with the location of the first occurrence of a literal (not regex) substring matchStr within the source string. Thus, the operator searches for literal strings, not regular expressions. Matches are case sensitive. The offset is zero-based (position 1 is zero). If the string is not found, String.find(matchStr) returns -1.

For example, if $MyString is "I do not like green eggs and ham":

$MyNumber = $MyString.find("not"); returns 5

$MyNumber = $MyString.find("blue"); returns -1 (not found in match string)

$MyNumber = $MyString.find("Not"); returns -1 (not found, due to case-sensitive matching)