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String.captureTo(matchStr[, targetAttributeStr])

Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Last Altered: 

Operator Uses Regular Expressions: 

Operator Has Optional Arguments: 

String.captureTo(matchStr, targetAttributeStr)


Stores the source text string up to, but not including, the designated literal matchStr into the specified targetAttributeStr, a quoted name of an attribute, and returns the string that follows matchStr. Note that matchStr is not a regular expression and can only be a literal string.

If the targetAttributeStr is omitted the String is advanced to the end so processing ceases.

The value given for targetAttributeSt can be:

For example, if the stream is "Piglet, a friend of Pooh" and if wishing to capture only the name 'Piglet' into $SomeAttribute:

$Result = $Text.captureTo(", ","SomeAttribute"); 

Now, the value of $Result is "a friend of Pooh" and of $SomeAttribute is "Piglet".