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Adding joins in loops

Adding inter-item join data to a loop output

The simplest way, if the end output is a string, is to make a list from the loop and use List.format("formatStr") to make a string from this list inserting formatStr between each list item (and not before /after the ends).

However, as explored below, it may be desirable to add the item-joining string whilst iterating the loop.

Adding join data: add at loop start or finish of an item?

As a general point, and perhaps counter-intuitively, it is better to test at start "am I second or later?" and prepend the join, rather than test "am I last?" and append the join. this is because it is easier to know definitely that a process has started as opposed to if/when it will end.

Examples of loop Detection of loop start or end are shown under detecting first or last item context in loops.

Adding join data in-loop

An example is making a list of { } enclosed JSON data objects where each {object} has a comma character as a join but there must not be a trailing comma after the last item. Thus a comma must be added either:

Which approach is used is a matter of personal choice.