This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Table view configuration

The format of each cell (element) in the table is determined the dictionary attribute $TableFormat. Special formatting may be applied to rows or columns (but not, at present, to individual cells).

Most people will not need to change the table format in an action. $TableFormat is a deeply nested dictionary, which makes changes in actions a bit tricky. Still, it can be done, and this avoids the need to create perhaps a dozen additional attributes.

Note that the column/row

The definable keys in $TableFormat are:

Examples of $TableFormat code

A customised Table view:

{Column:{MyDate:{Format:t;ColumnWidth:192};Badge:{Bold:true;ColumnWidth:146.5};Name:{ColumnWidth:100};MyNumber:{Format:$}};Row:{tbx_Ble4Lq:{BackgroundColor:yellow};tbx_Ble4Lp:{TextColor:bright red}}} 

This can be read more easily as:

    tbx_Ble4Lp:{TextColor:bright red}

The overall dictionary contains one or two (either/both Column or/and Row) objects. The Column has an item for each customised column, with the column attribute's name as the key and a dictionary of customised settings. For the Row, only customised rows are recorded. The per-row key is the row's $IDString and the value is a dictionary of customised features.