This pop-over dialog is invoked from the Note menu or via a shortcut (⌃+⌥+ ⌘+L).
The pop-over opens in collapsed state showing only the link type, link type selector, and URL inputs, whose purposes are described below.
The pop-over contains the following controls:
- [link type assigned]. This shows the link type, if any, assigned to this link. The value can be edited manually or populated by selecting a type in the pop-up underneath this input.
- >. This is the expand/collapse toggle for the pop-over. By default only the link type information and URL fields are shown. Expanding the dialog reveals additional settings.
- Type. A pop-up showing all link types currently defined in this TBX file. Selecting an item in the list sets/changes the link title shown in the assigned link type box above it.
- URL. The destination URL of the link.
- Target. Sets the HTML link's
attribute. This tells a web browser in which window the retrieved data is to be shown. Default is empty, meaning the destination page loads in the current window, replacing the calling page. - Title. Sets the HTML link's
attribute. - Class. Sets the HTML link's
attribute, for CSS use.
From v9.7.3, the popover now remembers its expansion state and opens with the focus on the URL fields. If the URL is populated but the Title field is empty, Tinderbox now attempts to obtain the title from the destination web server. If the title field is not empty, the existing title will not be changed.