Tinderbox happily supports notes with titles varying in case, e.g. "Some Note" vs. "Some note". It also supports case sensitive export in file naming, e.g. "Some Note.html" vs. "Some note.html".
But, by default, macOS is case-insensitive (i.e. host users' host OS). This creates a problem if Tinderbox exports "Some Note.html" vs. "Some note.html" to the same OS folder. What happens is the filename of second to be exported is coerced to the filename of the case-insensitively matched file and the first-exported file is silently over-written.
Workarounds (if there is a need to export notes) are:
- avoid same-name/different case notes in the same Tinderbox container
- set specific, non-clashing export filenames for one of both/all such notes, e.g. "Some Note1.html" vs. "Some Note2.html".
- use Mac with the OS set to be case-sensitive. This drastic and not suggested, as it involves re-installing the OS and is thus not a trivial task.