This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Tinderbox v9 Icon

^linkTo( item [, data] [,css class] )^

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 Creation of Links   [other codes of this type]

 item   [codes with similar scope]


 As at baseline

^linkTo( item [, data] [,css class] )^

Exports the data as the anchor text of a link to the web page corresponding to the designated item (or note). The data can be simply some text or another export function's result and may include HTML mark-up code. The data argument is optional, and if not used the name of the destination note is used. The item can be a named note, an item object or a path (e.g. /headlines/latest/).

If included, the css class element causes the HTML link output to include a class="" attribute.

^linkTo()^ exports links from included files relative to the current page.

Example link to "Colophon": ^linkTo(Colophon)^ outputs 'Colophon'

Same but with a 'data' argument: ^linkTo(Colophon,Read the Colophon)^ outputs 'Read the Colophon'

Same but with a 'data' and 'css class' argument: ^linkTo(Colophon,Read the Colophon,xref)^ outputs 'Read the Colophon'

To get the relative URL of a note, use ^url()^.