This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Displayed Attributes sub-menu

Displayed Attributes sub-menu

This sub-menu of the Window menu contains a list of suggested point sizes for rendering the Displayed Attributes table of the current note, even if not yet currently shown or populated. The menu offers a series of size values for Displayed Attributes and and a toggle for display of the Displayed Attributes table:

  • 11pt (default)
  • 14pt
  • 18pt


  • Hide/Show Displayed Attributes/No Displayed Attributes. Toggles visibility of the selection's Displayed Attributes (assuming some are defined). The state is stored in and inherited via $HideDisplayedAttribute. If the note currently has no Displayed Attribute defined, 'No Displayed Attributes' is shown, greyed out. This applies to all selected notes.

The underlying attribute holding the size of Displayed Attributes is $DisplayedAttributesFontSize.

Displayed Attributes replace now-deprecated Key Attributes. Apart from the name of menus, attributes, etc., the feature is the same, just more explicitly described.