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Tinderbox v9 Icon

^action( action )^

Export Code Type: 

Export Code Scope of Action: 

Export Code First Added: 

Export Code Last Altered: 

 Calculation   [other codes of this type]

 n/a   [codes with similar scope]


 As at baseline

^action( action )^ This code performs any action, or list of actions, that could be performed by an agent or rule. For simplicity, consider it as if it were a rule that is only run when a note is exported using the template holding the ^action()^ code. The action code is performed immediately. ^action^ does not export anything itself. For example: ^action($Color="red")^ ^value($Color.format())^  will change the colour of the exported note to "red" and export "red". This allows manipulations for export use without needing to, for instance, hold the value in a user attribute first. Also see, action(), ^value( expression )^. The internal equivalent is a normal action/rule statement, i.e. where is no point in using ^action^ internally. However, if you want some logic during export to change an internal attribute value (e.g. exported notes having a new colour), then use ^action^ in the context of your export codes. IMPORTANT: if using ^action()^ in the text of an exporting note (i.e. in $Text), remove all line breaks in the enclosed action code. Otherwise a mis-evaluation will occur as each code line will be treated as an HTML paragraph enclosed in <p></p> tags.