This tab visualises the most common words in the $Text and $Name of in-scope notes. The word cloud acknowledges both the built-in stoplist and document's own stoplist.txt list, if present.
Word clouds and aliases: If viewing the word cloud of a note and its descendants, and if the selected note is an agent, the word cloud indexes each alias found by the agent.
The tabs controls are:
'scope' pop-up. The scope of examination within the (current) document can be set to one of:
- document: whole document (default)
- parent & descendants: parent note of the current note and all the parent's descendants
- note & descendants: current note and all its descendants
- selected note: currently selected note
The scope shown in the pane is equivalent to the export output of ^documentCloud^.
'Scale' slider. The view can be magnified or reduced by dragging the dragging the slider.
Image. A word cloud of the most common words found in the current scope. The words are drawing in $NameFont. Re-sizing the pane causes the layout of the contents to be re-arranged.
Image copy. Right-clicking on the word cloud allows it to be copied to the clipboard as an image. The data is actually in vector format, so if pasted into an image editor capable of vector-based editing the individual word elements are accessible (Mac Preview has limited such support). If passed to a normal bitmap editor an image the size of the image in Get Info is created.
Search. Click on any word and a Find pop-up based on that word is opened. The find is always whole-document scoped.
For note and section, each distinct occurrence of a word is counted. For the document level view, Tinderbox counts the number of notes that contain a word 1 or more times. The display contains up to 100 words - less if there are fewer valid words in scope.
Unlike the 'similar' notes tab, only $Text and $Name are interrogated. Other sources of words such as textual user attributes are thus ignored.
If the dialog is torn-off as a discrete window, subsequent changes to in-scope $Text are not reflected; re-select the window sub-tab to refresh the view. Similarly, the 'selected only' scope only maps the note selected at the time the view was opened, and does not track changes in selection while the tab is active.
This tab replaces the 'Common Words' view in very early versions of Tinderbox.