This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

Jump to the current version of aTbRef

Tinderbox v9 Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

Attribute Default Value: 

Attribute Group: 

Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute UI-configurable? 

Attribute Read-Only? 

Attribute Intrinsic? 

Attribute First Added: 

Attribute Last Altered: 

 number   [other number-type attributes]


 TextFormat   [other TextFormat Group attributes]

 Note text






 As at baseline

Sets the default text font size for new notes.

The value is inherited from Document settings, Text font.

This attribute allows a set of notes (e.g. Code Examples or Shopping List) to inherit a specific body text font size via a prototype.

$TextFontSize is easily overridden simply by selecting a font size from the Font palette.

IMPORTANT: Changes to this attribute affect only those notes with no current $Text. Once anything has been added to $Text, inheritance is broken. Thereafter $Text uses the relevant attribute settings as at the time the text was added; they are effectively 'baked' into the $Text. The only way to 'reset' text with the wrong $TextFontSize value is to select the text and use menu Format ▸ Style ▸ Standard Size.

The $TextFontSize for the current note - or $Text selection therein, can be set using Format menu ▸ Font menu ▸ Show Fonts and using the OS Fonts palette to select the desired font size.