NOTE: if you are using the source TBX file version of aTbRef, bear in mind nearly all of the caret (^) symbols will be written doubled in note $Text in order that they do not get interpreted as export codes when outputting the HTML pages. A further benefit from using—or just viewing—the source TBX is that is contains all the export templates needed to produce this site and which can be instructive if learning the HTML export aspects of Tinderbox.
A recent version of this file (including all needed HTML export templates) may be downloaded from the root folder of this HTML website:
The ZIP archive will extract to copy of the aTbRef.tbx file. You can move this anywhere you like and open it like any other TBX file.
The images used in the website are not stored in the TBX for a variety of reasons by primarily to reduce the size of the TBX file. For use with HTML export, the images are available as a separate zip:
The above unpacks to a folder "images" that should be placed inside the folder to which you exported your HTML from aTbRef.tbx, i.e. alongside the "index.html".
Using a local HTML version of aTbRef:
- Open the aTbRef.tbx:
- Use the File menu, Export as HTML.
- You will be asked to select a folder for export or make a new one. Tinderbox will remember this location for subsequent re-export of the TBX.
- Once the export process is complete, open the the export location in Finder.
- Drag the 'images' folder unpacked from the separate ZIP download into the HTML export folder.
- In the export folder double-click 'index.html' to open the Home page of the site. If you want you can make an alias for the file and place the alias elsewhere, or make a bookmark in your browser.
- The exported website runs entirely from within its own folder, so if desired it can be moved on your Mac or even to another computer/server on your LAN.
- For those in organisations with official controls on publication on their LAN, a Creative Commons licence is included which should allow you to use this resource locally.
- If you wish to stop your local exports trying to make new zips, before exporting locally, open the notes 'Zipper-images' and 'Zipper' in HTML view and untick the 'Export' box.
To be able to view images used by the HTML site from within the TBX, even if you do not use the HTML export:
- Download and unpack the images ZIP.
- Place the resulting 'images' folder where you need it, either for HTML use (see above) or just for use with the TBX.
- Find that folder in Finder, select the Finder and leave the Finder window open.
- Open the TBX and find the Image Linker agent in the UTILS section.
- Select the agent's in the view pane so it loads in the text pane.
- Switch back to finder and drag the 'images' folder onto the 'File' button in the agent's displayed attributes table.
- This populates the agent's $File.
- The agent's query finds all notes with a $WebImage (i.e. which use a screengrab in the HTML) and combines the agent's $File data with the note's $WebImage to set the note's $File to the correct local path to the image.
The online HTML version of the above TBX's output will be found at: