The adornment tag is used to contain a single adornment object:
<agent ID="3444053947" Creator="John Doe">
[current item attribute tags]</agent>
The item tag has two attributes:
- ID. The $ID of the object.
- Creator. The user name set in preferences (and as passed into $Creator).
- proto. Optional: only set if the note uses a prototype. If it does, the value (the prototype's name) is stored here, and not as a child attribute tag.
<agent ID="3444053464" Creator="john Doe" >…</agent>
Unlike items or agent only nest alias objects within themselves, those of the notes matching their query.
See the item tag description for the general range of attributes used.
Agents use one special (internal, hidden) attribute: Agent. An agent will always include these in its default listing, over and above normal item attributes:
<attribute name="Agent" >true</attribute>
<attribute name="AgentQuery" >[value]</attribute>
<attribute name="HTMLExportChildren >false</attribute>
<attribute name="IsPrototype" >false</attribute>
Attributes, other than the defaults listed below are only written to file if they hold locally set values. These differ from those of the item tag:
- Name
- Created
- Modified
- Xpos
- Ypos
- Agent
- AgentQuery (even if empty)
- HTMLExportChildren (uses non-default value: false)
- IsPrototype (uses default:
, presumably to override possibly inheritingtrue