The term 'group' is not a Tinderbox definition but is useful in the context of discussing action code and documenting action code usage.
A group is a list of one or more Tinderbox note items (q.v.). A group can be referenced as:
- A list of note titles ($Name).
- A list of note paths ($Path). This is useful if any note's $Name value is is not unique.
- (less commonly) A list of note IDs ($ID). This is less usual but can be useful if there are problematic characters in the title or path, especially if using (un)linking actions.
- A group-scope note designator, e.g. 'all' or 'children'. Designators return $Path data for the matching objects.
- A query function, e.g. find(), collect(), collect_if(), links(). The query must resolve to a list of one or more note items. Query functions return $Path data for the matching objects.
- An expression, i.e. action code that evaluates as any of the above.
- A string attribute value that is an expression or a literal title/path.
- A discrete value in a list attribute that is an expression or a literal title/path.
- A literal list, e.g.
[This note;That note]
. (Previously, and now deprecated, was to use a quote-enclosed list)
See also the article on items.
Note: In the linkedTo() and linkedFrom() query terms the "*" designator replaces the "all", presumably for legacy purposes.