This version is out of date, covering development from v9.5.0 to v9.7.3. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Link Types

Scripts can access link types, which are accessed from the document scope, so the code examples here are called within as tell like:

	tell front document 
		-- specific example code goes here 
	end tell

To return data for a specific a link type, by name, tell Tinderbox:

set myLinkType to linkType named "agree" 

To get the value of the 'color' property of that link type:

set myColor to color of myLinkType 

To return a list of all link types defined in the current document:

set myLinkTypeList to linkTypes 

to create a new link type and set some of its properties, other than its name, to non-default values:

make new linkType with properties {name:"name", color:"green",bold:true} 

If a link type with this name already exists, no new type is created and the properties are applied to the existing link type.

Link types may also be deleted:

delete linkType "experimental"