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Tinderbox v9 Icon

(!$AttributeName) (i.e. a short form test for no value)

Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Last Altered: 

 Operator  [other Operator type actions]

 Item  [operators of similar scope]

 Query Boolean  [other Query Boolean operators]


 As at baseline


In queries and conditional action code expressions, preceding a '$'-prefixed attribute name with an exclamation mark functions as a shortened form of the Boolean test for a false value. Due to limitations in the underlying parser, an inequality test expression must be enclosed in parentheses.Thus the following are functional equivalents:



Do not use this form or you may get unexpected results:

!$MyBoolean Do not use this format, without parentheses!

In both cases the result is false if the value of $MyBoolean is false.

Usefully Tinderbox also useful supports such short-form !$AttributeName tests for all the other attribute data types, returning true if the attribute has a default value. Per data type, this equates to long form tests like:







$MyList==[] (or (deprecated) $MyList==""


$MySet==[] (or (deprecated) $MyList==""



This also holds for system-only data types:



In all these cases a short-form test returns true if the attribute value is the default for that data type.

This test is the logical opposite of the $AttributeName test.