System Attributes tell the System how to display, handle and export Notes and links. System Attributes are defined for every note, agent and adornment (though in the latter two cases not all attributes are used/applied).
Occasionally, Tinderbox releases may add some attributes not described here in aTbRef. These attributes are generally experimental and not intended for use by ordinary users. Such attributes will either disappear again or be formally adopted and only then described in aTbRef.
In documents used across many successive versions of the app be aware that system attribute may retain old system attributes no longer generated in new documents; these legacy items will cause no harm.
As current versions of the app do not normally define legacy-supported attributes in new TBX documents, the count of system attributes here may be c.10–15 items more than the count seen for a new Tinderbox document.
The attributes are broken into several groups and when listed in $DisplayedAttributes or the Note Info window, attributes are listed alphabetically within the groups. The groups are as follow, and are shown in the order they are listed in the UI:
- System Attributes:
- Agent. Information pertaining to agents.
- AI. Attributes related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Appearance. Attributes controlling the appearance of view icons.
- Composites. Attribute relating to use of composites.
- Events. Attributes relating to event date/times.
- General. Generic information about notes. Many of these attributes are calculated read-only values.
- Grid. Setting relating to (map view) adornment grids.
- HTML. Settings related to HTML export.
- Iris. Experimental (currently not used).
- Map. Information relating to visual display of notes, agents and adornments in Map view (and other Views).
- Net. For data derived from the Net, e.g. RSS, etc.
- Outline. Attributes controlling Outline view related features.
- People. For data about people and their contact info.
- Places. For data about location.
- Posters. For data configuring map posters.
- References. For import of reference data.
- Sandbox. For easy testing of action code.
- Scrivener. For Scrivener import.
- Sorting. Flags for sorting container content.
- Storyspace. Data used by Tinderbox's sister app Storyspace (both use a common file format)
- TextFormat. Information pertaining to visual display of a note's data in Note windows.
- Textual. Text export settings and general text-related data.
- Watch. This group holds a series of attributes to support the exchange of information with the web (and via that the iPhone/iPad) using DEVONThink, Apple Notes, and Finder folders. (The group used to be called 'Simplenote'. No longer supported apps:
Simplenote,Evernote). - Weblog. Data for configuring Weblog export.
- User (created) Attributes. Any attributes created by the user, none are created by default. These user attributes are limited to the current document and cannot be transferred except by copying the document or using an OS Stationary document.
This is a list of all System attributes:
- $Abstract
- $AccentColor
- $AccessDate
- $Address
- $AdornmentCount
- $AdornmentFont
- $AgentAction
- $AgentCaseSensitive
- $AgentPriority
- $AgentQuery
- $Aliases
- $ArticleTitle
- $Associates
- $Author2
- $Author3
- $Author4
- $Authors
- $AutoFetch
- $AutoFetchCommand
- $AutomaticIndent
- $Badge
- $BadgeMonochrome
- $BadgeSize
- $Base
- $BeforeVisit
- $Bend
- $BookTitle
- $Border
- $BorderBevel
- $BorderColor
- $BorderDash
- $CallNumber
- $Caption
- $CaptionAlignment
- $CaptionColor
- $CaptionFont
- $CaptionOpacity
- $CaptionSize
- $Checked
- $ChildCount
- $ChosenWord
- $City
- $CleanupAction
- $ClusterTerms
- $CodeFont
- $Color
- $Color2
- $Container
- $Country
- $Created
- $CreatedFrom
- $Creator
- $Deck
- $DescendantCount
- $DEVONthinkGroup
- $DEVONthinkLabel
- $Direction
- $DisplayedAttributes
- $DisplayedAttributesDateFormat
- $DisplayedAttributesFont
- $DisplayedAttributesFontSize
- $DisplayExpression
- $DisplayExpressionDisabled
- $DisplayName
- $District
- $DOI
- $DominantLanguage
- $DueDate
- $Edict
- $EdictDisabled
- $Edition
- $EmailSubject
- $EmailTemplate
- $EndDate
- $EstimatedNoteSize
- $EvernoteNotebook
- $File
- $Fill
- $FillOffsetY
- $FillOpacity
- $Flags
- $FormattedAddress
- $FullName
- $GaudiHidden
- $GeocodedAddress
- $GridColor
- $GridColumns
- $GridLabelFont
- $GridLabels
- $GridLabelSize
- $GridOpacity
- $GridRows
- $Height
- $HideDisplayedAttributes
- $HideKeyAttributes
- $HideTitle
- $HoverBackgroundColor
- $HoverExpression
- $HoverFont
- $HoverImage
- $HoverOpacity
- $HTMLBoldEnd
- $HTMLBoldStart
- $HTMLCloud1End
- $HTMLCloud1Start
- $HTMLCloud2End
- $HTMLCloud2Start
- $HTMLCloud3End
- $HTMLCloud3Start
- $HTMLCloud4End
- $HTMLCloud4Start
- $HTMLCloud5End
- $HTMLCloud5Start
- $HTMLCodeEnd
- $HTMLCodeStart
- $HTMLDontExport
- $HTMLEntities
- $HTMLExportAfter
- $HTMLExportBefore
- $HTMLExportChildren
- $HTMLExportCommand
- $HTMLExportExtension
- $HTMLExportFileName
- $HTMLExportFileNameSpacer
- $HTMLExportPath
- $HTMLExportTemplate
- $HTMLFileNameLowerCase
- $HTMLFileNameMaxLength
- $HTMLFirstParagraphEnd
- $HTMLFirstParagraphStart
- $HTMLFont
- $HTMLFontSize
- $HTMLImageEnd
- $HTMLImageStart
- $HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd
- $HTMLIndentedParagraphStart
- $HTMLItalicEnd
- $HTMLItalicStart
- $HTMLLinkExtension
- $HTMLListEnd
- $HTMLListItemEnd
- $HTMLListItemStart
- $HTMLListStart
- $HTMLMarkdown
- $HTMLMarkDown
- $HTMLMarkupText
- $HTMLOrderedListEnd
- $HTMLOrderedListItemEnd
- $HTMLOrderedListItemStart
- $HTMLOrderedListStart
- $HTMLOverwriteImages
- $HTMLParagraphEnd
- $HTMLParagraphStart
- $HTMLPreviewCommand
- $HTMLStrikeEnd
- $HTMLStrikeStart
- $HTMLSubscriptEnd
- $HTMLSubscriptStart
- $HTMLSuperscriptEnd
- $HTMLSuperscriptStart
- $HTMLUnderlineEnd
- $HTMLUnderlineStart
- $ID
- $IDString
- $ImageCount
- $ImageSizeLimit
- $InboundLinkCount
- $InteriorScale
- $IrisAngle
- $IrisRadius
- $IsAction
- $IsAdornment
- $IsAgent
- $IsAlias
- $IsComposite
- $IsMultiple
- $IsPrototype
- $IsSeparator
- $Issue
- $IsTemplate
- $Journal
- $KeyAttributeDateFormat
- $KeyAttributeFont
- $KeyAttributeFontSize
- $KeyAttributes
- $LastFetched
- $Latitude
- $LeafBase
- $LeafBend
- $LeafDirection
- $LeafTip
- $LeftMargin
- $LineSpacing
- $LocalAttributes
- $Lock
- $Longitude
- $MapBackgroundAccentColor
- $MapBackgroundColor
- $MapBackgroundColor2
- $MapBackgroundFill
- $MapBackgroundFillOpacity
- $MapBackgroundPattern
- $MapBackgroundShadow
- $MapBodyTextColor
- $MapBodyTextSize
- $MapNameSize
- $MapPrototypeColor
- $MapScrollX
- $MapScrollY
- $MapTextSize
- $Modified
- $mt_allow_comments
- $mt_allow_pings
- $mt_convert_breaks
- $mt_keywords
- $MyBoolean
- $MyColor
- $MyDate
- $MyDictionary
- $MyInterval
- $MyList
- $MyNumber
- $MySet
- $MyString
- $Name
- $NameAlignment
- $NameBold
- $NameColor
- $NameFont
- $NameLeading
- $NameOpacity
- $NameStrike
- $NameVerticalAlignment
- $NeverComposite
- $NLNames
- $NLOrganizations
- $NLPlaces
- $NLTags
- $NoSpellling
- $NotesFolder
- $NotesID
- $NotesModified
- $NoteURL
- $OnAdd
- $OnJoin
- $OnRemove
- $OnVisit
- $Opacity
- $Organization
- $OutboundLinkCount
- $OutlineBackgroundColor
- $OutlineColorSwatch
- $OutlineDepth
- $OutlineNameSize
- $OutlineOrder
- $OutlineTextSize
- $Pages
- $ParagraphSpacing
- $Participants
- $Path
- $Pattern
- $PlainLinkCount
- $PlotBackgroundColor
- $PlotBackgroundOpacity
- $PlotColor
- $PlotColorList
- $PostalCode
- $PosterCSS
- $PosterLabels
- $PosterSettings
- $PosterTemplate
- $PosterURL
- $PosterX
- $PosterY
- $PosterZoom
- $Private
- $Prototype
- $PrototypeBequeathsChildren
- $PrototypeHighlightColor
- $PublicationCity
- $PublicationYear
- $Publisher
- $QuickListHangingIndent
- $QuickListIndent
- $Range
- $RawData
- $ReadCount
- $ReadOnly
- $ReferenceDictionary
- $ReferenceRIS
- $ReferenceTitle
- $ReferenceURL
- $RefFormat
- $RefKeywords
- $RefType
- $Requirements
- $ResetAction
- $RightMargin
- $Role
- $RSSChannelTemplate
- $RSSItemLimit
- $RSSItemTemplate
- $Rule
- $RuleDisabled
- $ScreenHeight
- $ScreenWidth
- $ScrivenerID
- $ScrivenerKeywords
- $ScrivenerLabel
- $ScrivenerLabelID
- $ScrivenerNote
- $ScrivenerStatus
- $ScrivenerStatusID
- $ScrivenerType
- $Searchable
- $SelectionCount
- $Sentiment
- $Sentiments
- $Separator
- $Shadow
- $ShadowBlur
- $ShadowColor
- $ShadowDistance
- $Shape
- $ShowTitle
- $SiblingOrder
- $SimplenoteKey
- $SimplenoteModified
- $SimplenoteSync
- $SimplenoteTags
- $SimplenoteVersion
- $SmartLinks
- $SmartQuotes
- $Sort
- $SortAlso
- $SortAlsoTransform
- $SortBackward
- $SortBackwardAlso
- $SortTransform
- $SourceCreated
- $SourceModifed
- $SourceURL
- $StartDate
- $State
- $Sticky
- $Stripe
- $StripeColor
- $Subtitle
- $SubtitleColor
- $SubtitleOpacity
- $SubtitleSize
- $SyntaxHighlighting
- $TableAttributes
- $TableExpression
- $TableFormat
- $TableHeading
- $TableHidden
- $Tabs
- $Tags
- $Telephone
- $Text
- $TextAlign
- $TextBackgroundColor
- $TextCheckboxes
- $TextColor
- $TextColorBlue
- $TextColorGray
- $TextColorGreen
- $TextColorRed
- $TextExportTemplate
- $TextFont
- $TextFontSize
- $TextHighlightBlue
- $TextHighlightGreen
- $TextHighlightMagenta
- $TextHighlightRed
- $TextHighlightYellow
- $TextLength
- $TextLinkCount
- $TextPaneRatio
- $TextPaneWidth
- $TextSidebar
- $TextWindowHeight
- $TextWindowWidth
- $TimelineAliases
- $TimelineBand
- $TimelineBandLabelColor
- $TimelineBandLabelOpacity
- $TimelineBandLabels
- $TimelineColor
- $TimelineDescendants
- $TimelineDrawLinks
- $TimelineEnd
- $TimelineEndAttribute
- $TimelineGridColor
- $TimelineMarker
- $TimelineScaleColor
- $TimelineScaleColor2
- $TimelineStart
- $TimelineStartAttribute
- $Tip
- $TitleBackgroundColor
- $TitleFont
- $TitleForegroundColor
- $TitleHeight
- $TitleOpacity
- $Tot
- $UpdateTextLinksAfterRename
- $URL
- $ViewInBrowser
- $Visits
- $Volume
- $WatchFolder
- $WebLinkCount
- $WeblogPostID
- $Width
- $WordCount
- $Xg
- $Xpos
- $Yg
- $Ypos
- $Ziplinks
See also—notes linking to here: