Tinderbox v10 Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

Attribute Default Value: 

Attribute Group: 

Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute UI-configurable? 

Attribute Read-Only? 

Attribute Intrinsic? 

Attribute First Added: 

Attribute in Current Baseline: 

Attribute Last Altered: 

 string   [other string-type attributes]


 Appearance   [other Appearance Group attributes]

 Map item general configuration







 As at baseline

Optional pattern to be drawn on the face of icons in Map view.

$Pattern may be set for the current note via the Appearance Inspector ▸ Interior tab, 'Pattern' control: for plot-style $Pattern values us the Appearance Inspector ▸ Plot tab, 'Pattern' control instead.

These patterns look best when the two colours are similar but not identical. The keywords are case-sensitive. The current default is 'plain'.

If $Pattern is plain no pattern is applied and the note face is drawn in solid $Color.

If $Pattern is lines, the face of the note is filled with alternative horizontal lines of $Color and $AccentColor.

If $Pattern is gradient, the face of the note is filled with a linear colour gradient, top to bottom, from $Color to $AccentColor.

If $Pattern is diagonal, the face of the note is filled with a linear colour gradient, running from upper-left to lower-right corner, from $Color to $AccentColor.

If $Pattern is cylinder, the face of the note is filled with a cylindrical gradient, running from $Color at the top through $AccentColor at the midpoint, and then to $Color again at the bottom.

If $Pattern is radial, the face of the note is a graduation from $Color at 1/3 in from top-left through $AccentColor toward all edges.

If $Pattern is not set (empty string), no pattern is applied and equating to plain.

The remaining seven patterns cannot be set via the Pattern menu. Rather they are set via manual editing of this attribute (Info view, Displayed Attributes) or via actions, rules, stampstc., acting upon it. These patterns are:

See also—notes linking to here: