Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute UI-configurable?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute in Current Baseline:
Attribute Last Altered:
number [other number-type attributes]
General [other General Group attributes]
Calculated data
Yes [other read-only attributes]
Yes [other intrinsic attributes]
As at baseline
Number of outline levels between a note and the document root (read-only).
Actually, it is 1 + the number as 'top-level' notes have $OutlineDepth of 1, notes inside a top-level container have $OutlineDepth of 2, and so forth.
Aliases do not inherit this property from their original but have their own intrinsic value.
See also—notes linking to here: