Tinderbox v10 Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

Attribute Default Value: 

Attribute Group: 

Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute UI-configurable? 

Attribute Read-Only? 

Attribute Intrinsic? 

Attribute First Added: 

Attribute in Current Baseline: 

Attribute Last Altered: 

 string   [other string-type attributes]

 (not set - empty string)

 HTML   [other HTML Group attributes]

 HTML export post-processing







 As at baseline

Run a program or script on the contents of the exported HTML file. Where is the working directory location assumed for executing scripts?

If $HTMLExportCommand is empty, no special action is performed.

Otherwise, the exported file is piped to the standard input of the command line in $HTMLExportCommand, and the file is replaced by command line's standard output. In other words, any action carried out by the linked command is carried out on the exported page after the normal page export.

This attribute needs to be actual command line code: it cannot use code stored in another note as runCommand() can.

See also—notes linking to here: