Many aspects of Tinderbox are set and stored by using attributes, such as a note's name, the colour of its icon in a Map view, etc. Attributes apply to every note (including special notes like separators and adornments) and agents.
An Attribute has a case-sensitive name, a value type, a value and an optional default value. Some attributes are read-only, meaning they cannot be modified by the user. If no default value is set the attribute is empty/zero/false
/etc., according to data type. There are two primary types of attributes:
- System attributes: information built into all Tinderbox documents, such as the colour of the note, or its width and height. Tinderbox keeps this information about every note, and you may view, use, and change it. Some system attribute properties can be altered via the Document Inspector System tab.
- User attributes: you may add your own attributes that every note will have. For instance, you could add the attribute "Priority" and give every note a priority level from one to five. Or, in a bibliography create the attribute "Type" and tag the note for each source as either "Primary" or "Secondary". More on naming attributes. Some user attribute properties can be altered via the Document Inspector User tab.
Additionally, system attributes may be:
- Read-only attributes: information such as the date and time the note was created, or the date and time it was last modified. Tinderbox keeps this information about every note, and you may view and use it, but you cannot change it.
- Added to by new Tinderbox versions. At creation of a new TBX document, Tinderbox adds all the currently defined system system attributes with their existing properties, default values, etc.
- Opening the document in later releases will add any 'missing' system attributes added to the roster since the originating (or last-used version). These new attributes use current defaults.
- NOTE: pre-existing attribute defaults are not updated. Even if the newer Tinderbox version has different defaults to those in a pre-existing document, these are not updated. It is down to the user to update these if required. Changes to system attributes (if documented) are reflected in aTbRef's listing of system attributes where the current default is given.
- Preference derived values. Some System attributes will have a default value which is set via preferences in Document Settings and inherited from there (unless inheritance is broken by manually setting a default in the System Attributes Inspector)
The two primary attribute listings, General and User, and their data types, etc., are covered in more detail in the Attributes section and all General attributes are described system attribute list. Values used by attributes are often inherited. There are also naming rules for attributes.
In Tinderbox all attributes are global in the sense that they exist and can be given a value for any note or agent, even if it might not be useful in a particular case. Just ignore attributes when they do not make sense. Put in database terms, Tinderbox implements one big table (flat file style), rather than a set of related tables.
The attributes of TBX document are set at document creation by Tinderbox and may be altered via the Document Inspector's System tab, though some can also be set via Document Settings. Thus you can set the Map view's background colour by opening the document's Info view and changing the $MapBackgroundColor attribute; be aware changing this attribute only affects the document if the current 'item' is the document and not a note, i.e. no note is currently selected.
In Action code, attribute values are referred to in Tinderbox attribute coding by using a '$' prefix, e.g. $Color
returns the _value_ for the attribute 'Color' (i.e. the note's colour in the view pane). By general informal usage, the Tinderbox community will also use (misuse!) the $-prefix in general writing to make explicit they are talking about a the name of an attribute. Thus "See the $Name of…" or "You can use the $Height…" where in both cases the context implies that "$X" means the "the attribute named X". This latter convention is used in aTbRef.
There are a variety of methods for editing attribute values.
Give consideration to naming attributes in a manner that matches Tinderbox's assumptions. If attribute names are wrong, either due to import or because they were created before reading the notes on naming styles, attributes can be renamed.
Attributes all have one of a number of data types.
Attribute use in the context of automation ('coding') in Tinderbox is discussed in detail under Use of Attributes.
See also:
See also—notes linking to here: