The Hypertext Status view gives an overview of the current documents contents. It lists:
- Notes. The number of notes in the current document (containers count as notes, as do separators).
- Agents. The number of agents in the current document.
- Aliases. The number of aliases in the current document.
- Adornments. The number of adornments in the current document.
- Total. Sum of notes, agents, aliases and adornments.
- Words. The total word count for all notes.
- Links. The number of links in the current document (excluding 'prototype' type links).
- Attributes. The number of attributes defined in the current document:
- System. The number of System (built-in) attributes. Hidden System attributes are not counted since the user cannot see them.
- User. The number of user-defined attributes.
- Prototypes. The number of prototypes defined in the current document.
- Templates. The number of export templates defined in the current document.
See also—notes linking to here: