Tinderbox v10 Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

Attribute Default Value: 

Attribute Group: 

Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute UI-configurable? 

Attribute Read-Only? 

Attribute Intrinsic? 

Attribute First Added: 

Attribute Last Altered: 

 string   [other string-type attributes]

 (not set - empty string)

 HTML   [other HTML Group attributes]

 HTML export file configuration






 As at baseline

Specific filename to be used for the note's exported HTML page instead of default calculated name.

If left empty, Tinderbox automatically generates a filename based on the note's title.

Note that a string set for this attribute should be the desired filename without its extension, i.e. 'index' not index.html'.

Automatic filenames strip unsafe (see below) characters from the note title and truncate the resulting string to the number of characters set in $HTMLFileNameMaxLength (where, fthe default is 100). The case of characters in the exported name will be as per the note title except if $HTMLFileNameLowerCase is true.

Default: (not set: empty string)

$HTMLExportFileName can be set via the Export Inspector's ▸ Export tab, 'File Name' box.

To avoid filename naming collisions, Tinderbox has to check if the intended export name already exists in the currently exported-to folder. If a duplicate name might arise, a suffix will be added. Simplistically, if file "abc.html" is already being exported to the current folder, another note that would export with that name will be exported as "abc_1.html" (and -@, _3, etc.).

Punctuation characters in $Name other than a forward slash, period, and tilde (/.~) are also allowed in export filenames.

Any caret (^) characters in $Name are omitted from the exported filename as this caused issues re export code parsing (carets themselves are not illegal in a URL, but not generally meaningful).

Because the filename might change on export, Tinderbox does not return a value for eval($HTMLExportFileName); an exception is if this attribute already has an explicitly set value. The workaround is to use ^file()^, noting that the latter returns both file name and extension rather than just the name portion.

As Windows-OS web servers support fewer characters in file paths/names that other OSs, the following characters are suppressed when generating filenames from $Name:

[space] / \ ? % * : | ' " < > . & + ( ) ! # 

Further manipulation is available via $HTMLExportFileNameSpacer.

$HTMLExportPath evaluates the likely exported filename and path.