Tinderbox v10 Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

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Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute UI-configurable? 

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 string   [other string-type attributes]


 HTML   [other HTML Group attributes]

 HTML export mark-up







 As at baseline

Opening tag markup for ordered list generated by quick lists.

HTML ordered lists may be created by beginning new paragraphs with the '#' symbol. Ordered and regular (unordered) quick lists should not be mixed.

The closing tag is set via $HTMLOrderedListEnd. Changing this to the syntax <ol type="a"> lets you alter the list item's 'bullet' type. The allowed values of type are:

If the $HTMLListItemStart and $HTMLListItemEnd attributes are empty, all quick lists, as defined by lines starting with an * or a #, are disabled.

$HTMLOrderedListStart can be set via the Export Inspector's ▸ List tab, 'Ordered' 'start' box.

See also—notes linking to here: