Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute UI-configurable?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute in Current Baseline:
Attribute Last Altered:
string [other string-type attributes]
(not set - empty string)
HTML [other HTML Group attributes]
HTML export encoding
As at baseline
Name of the external template file or internal template to be used in exporting this note to HTML.
$HTMLExportTemplate can be set via the Export Inspector's ▸ Export tab, 'Template' control or by using the Template pop-up menu on the note's text pane's HTML tab will also set this attribute for the note. The attribute value is the template note's $Path.
To set a value via the UI, at least one valid export template must be defined in the current document. If at least one valid template is defined, the first (by date of addition) is taken as the default and shown in the Export tab of the HTML Inspector.
See also—notes linking to here: