Importantly, the user is responsible for understanding how the visualisation works and is configured. Tinderbox is merely providing a means to display a correctly configured visualisation within a Tinderbox map view.
If making a poster from scratch, as a opposed to adding new data to a pre-made poster, there are some points to consider:
- if unfamiliar with the visualisation tool, consider make a working copy in in a web browser before trying to implement in Tinderbox. Why? Making a working browser-based test will:
- identify any libraries, e.g. JavaScript files,
- $PosterTemplate is independent of the note's $HTMLExportTemplate. The former affects only the in-app poster, the latter the export of the note. Thus a note can still export even if it has a poster.
- For debugging, it may be handy to set the $HTMLExportTemplate (temporarily) to be the same as the poster template. Doing this enables use of the Text/Export pane to review and correct the HTML being passed to the poster.
- Generally, set the template such that the plot area fills the entire page )i.e. the whole poster)
- A likely problem on first use is the appearance of unwanted
elements in the middle of Tinderbox data, e.g.^text^
passed into the poster's Javascript code. Do not forget to use either the built-In Poster prototype for notes using posters, or otherwise turn off paragraph markup.