- Age Colouring of Notes
- Agent's AgentPriority Status shown in Icon
- Anonymised Data Sharing
- Apple Intelligence
- Attribute name styles in listings
- Auto-deletion of untitled notes
- Autocompletion of input
- Automatic Geocoding
- Automatic re-open of last-used TBX
- Automatic Saving
- Badges
- Blind typing in view window
- Built-in composites
- Built-in export Templates
- Built-in Hints container
- Built-in Prototypes
- Closing pop-overs
- Composites
- Container Sorting and Transforms
- Content and Type Dependent Icons
- Copying or Moving notes within Tinderbox
- Copying or Moving text within Tinderbox
- Creating draft emails
- Creating Footnote notes
- Current attribute: shared by Quickstamp and Get Info
- Default note colours & patterns
- Displayed Attributes replace Key Attributes
- Dragging notes between TBXs
- Embedded image fills
- Features needing more recent OS versions
- Finder Quicklook
- Focus View, Expand View
- Full Screen mode
- Hoisting view on childless containers
- Hover Images
- In-place title editing
- Link creation and parking tools
- Link Indication in Note Icon
- macOS Dark or Light modes
- Message placards
- Naming of duplicated notes
- Navigating via links
- New note name parsing for prototypes and locations
- Non-editable notes
- Outline vs. Map Interface
- Pane focus indicator
- Pasting notes: creation and modification dates
- Pictures in notes
- Previewing and exporting note content
- Selecting notes
- Sentiment Analysis
- Setting a prototype
- Spell Checking scope
- Suggest Attribute value lists
- Tear-off windows
- Text for multiple selections
- Title Strike-Through
- View filters
- Wrapping of long titles
See also—notes linking to here: