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Tinderbox v8 Icon

v8.1.0b405 (3 Jul 2019)

Released 3 Jul 2019. Beta number is 405.

The following fixes, that are not otherwise noted in aTbRef, are taken from Tinderbox's release notes (in some cases with a pertinent issue number in parentheses):

  • Attribute Browser view:
    • Attribute browser uses less liberal line spacing.
  • Export:
    • Text export of selected notes now exports the notes in outline order. Previously, it exported notes in the sequence in which they were selected.
  • Hyperbolic view:
    • The view’s axes and boundary are drawn to be less obtrusive in dark mode.
    • Significant refactoring to streamline parameter settings logic.
    • The command Note ▸ Open Text Window is now available in hyperbolic view.
  • Inspector:
    • Reorganised the bottom of the Tinderbox Inspector’s Agents & Rules pane to make it more clear that the update timer refers to network updates rather than the edict cycle.
    • In the Tinderbox Inspector’s Rules and Agents pane, slowly-changing facets like the number of outstanding edicts are now updated periodically.
  • Map view:
    • Some shapes, notably clouds, were hard to drag because they mishandled clicks within the note body but outside the title area.
    • Dragging an adornment temporarily brings it to the foreground to ensure it is plainly visible. On mouse up, Tinderbox now restores it to its proper layer; previously, this might be deferred until the tab was clicked.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • A performance tweak for dragging notes in map view.
    • Improvements to speed of opening and using large documents.
    • Improvements in stability when using multiple documents.
    • Saving files is significantly faster on machines with sufficient available cores.
    • Fixed a very intermittent crash during revert or when opening a document, where the old hypertext might try to process pending changes after its deletion.
    • Selecting multiple notes is now much faster because the text display system performs less unnecessary work.
    • Found and fixed several memory leaks, notably one that failed to dispose of closed Maps.
    • Improved the efficiency of Tansey Tab drawing, and standardised the truncation of tab labels.
    • Saving files is significantly faster on machines with sufficient available cores.
    • Fixed a crash when pasting notes, arising when Tinderbox failed to wait for concurrent processes to finish before disposing of the underlying XML parser data.
    • Fixed a deadlock when creating built-in prototypes and templates in outline view, arising when layout updates were recalculated recursively.
    • Fixed a deadlock when creating built-in templates in outline view, arising when layout updates were recalculated recursively.
    • Fixed an intermittent crash in documents with more than 5000 rules, often triggered by updating agents manually or bringing the document to the foreground.
    • Clicking on a note inside the note body but outside the title rectangle could lead to the click being passed through to an underlying adornment in b393.
    • Documents with flawed xml now open as Untitled, avoiding a worrisome (though fortunately rare!) situation where Tinderbox could overwrite the damaged file with a valid but empty file.
    • The Create Link dialog suffered layout problems when the source or destination note name was exceptionally long. The name is now truncated as required.
    • Removed a layer in the scroll pane for the Displayed Attributes table TextPaneController.xib ; this may account for some inexplicable screen refresh issues in the Displayed Attributes table.
    • Increased the size of the action recycling pool, which may reduce crashes when activating big documents from background.
    • Notarised the disk image for better installation experience.
    • Fixed a crash when comparing two dates, if the right-hand date expression was not parseable.
    • The activation highlight in the view pane now uses the correct rectangle, even at startup. Previously, it failed to account for animation in progress during window assembly.
    • Revised error management methods to separate management of the error list from instantiation of the view controller, since the view controller must be instantiated on the main thread but the document, which owns the error manager, might not be.
    • Cleaned up font cache code, and avoided potential concurrency problems when adding or removing views.
    • When using macOS 10.14 or later, the pane activation highlight uses the user interface accent colour, rather than the blue-green guide colour.
    • View panes reflect changes to colour scheme immediately, rather than when their parent next changes.
    • The link parking space’s “contents” label, which shows the source of the parked link, is easier to read in dark mode.
    • The title of the Document Settings window is now "Document Settings"; it had been "Preferences" since the Flood if not before. (Note: this appears to have not been implemented.)
  • OS Dark/Light modes:
    • Find: highlighting the found string in the context of the find view is now more legible in dark mode.
  • Outline view:
    • In filtered outlines, range-select (e.g. shift-click) and Edit ▸ Select All selected notes that were filtered out of the outline. Notes that are hidden by the filter are no longer selected by selections made in a filtered view.
    • Link stubs are no longer drawn to represent invisible links.
  • Text view:
    • The text in the text pane shader, which is displayed when no note is selected, no longer has a shadow.
    • We do less indexing when typing, saving some processor cycles. This should save a little energy when running on battery.
    • The activation highlight in the text pane is now drawn without unwanted clipping.
    • When changing the default text font in Document Settings: Text, Tinderbox now updates existing all font runs where the text font family matches the old default, and replaces them with the new text family. For example, if changing from 'Mercury' to 'Ideal', passages set in 'Mercury Italic' will now be updated to 'Ideal Italic'.
  • Treemap view:
    • Corrected some display issues in Treemap view, related to previous revisions to improve performance of link drawing.
  • See 8.1.0 Help's Release Notes for more detail of minor points.

    This version is cited in the following notes:

    A Tinderbox Reference File : Change Log : v8.1.0b405 (3 Jul 2019)