This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

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Outline view

Outline view

An outline view shows the hierarchical structure of the document very clearly, as an indented outline. An outline is also handy for seeing many notes in one window. It is easy to restructure the hierarchy of the document in an outline window, by dragging parts of the hierarchy to other parts of the hierarchy. An outline view does not show any of the links in the document.

Note titles can be edited in situ. There is also a preference to turn this feature off.

Long titles will wrap to a second line.

The size of the note, with 0-4 lines inside it, indicates the amount of text in the note. The inside of the note yellows over time giving some indication of older notes that have not been edited for some time.

Zooming only effects the vertical axis, with the windows user-defined width being retained.

Notes and agents are shown in outlines, with any aliases (such as inside agent containers) being in italic script. Notes have a thicker bar at the top of their icon, whilst agents have a thinker bar at the bottom. The note/agent and its title take the color of the objects' $Color attribute. To help with legibility, there is also a Darken colors in outlines preference that - as it implies - slightly darkens the colours used in the outline view from the reference $Color value.

Separators add the ability to delimit sets of sibling notes; separators are not exported unless they contain note text or have child notes.

Outline view can be enhanced by the optional display of item checkboxes and column display of attribute data.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Views : Outline view