NOTE: action code operator names are case-sensititive, e.g. firstWord() not Firstword() or firstword(). A few deprecated action codes/usages are listed separately here.
A list of all current action operator codes:
- !$AttributeName (short form test for no value)
- != (inequality)
- $AttributeName (reference to attribute value)
- $AttributeName (short form test for value)
- & (query logical AND join)
- &= (logical AND assignment)
- * (multiplication)
- + (addition)
- + (concatenation)
- - (subtraction)
- / (division)
- < (less than)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- = (assignment)
- == (equality)
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- abs(argument)
- action(code)
- any(group,value)
- atan(argument)
- attributeEncode(data)
- avg(group,value)
- avg_if(group,condition,value)
- between(value,min,max)
- capitalize(data)
- collect(group,attribute)
- collect_if(group,condition,attribute)
- Color.brightness
- Color.format
- Color.hue
- Color.saturation
- contains(item)
- cos(argument)
- count(list)
- date(string)
- date(year,month,day,[hour,min])
- Date.format("formatString")
- Date.hour
- Date.minute
- Date.month
- Date.weekday
- Date.year
- day(theDate[,value])
- days(date1,date2)
- descendedFrom(item)
- do(macro[,args])
- escapeHTML(data)
- eval([item],expression)
- every(group,value)
- exp(N)
- exportedString("item",template)
- find(query)
- first(item[,N])
- firstWord("data")
- format(data, "formatString")
- hour(theDate[,value])
- idEncode(data)
- if(condition){action}[else{action}}
- indented(N[,"item"])
- inside("item")
- jsonEncode(data)
- last("item"[,N])
- lastWord("data")
- linkedFrom("item"[,linkType])
- linkedTo("item"[,linkType])
- linkFrom("[item|group]"[,linkType])
- links[(item|group)].kind.[linkType].attribute
- linkTo("[item|group]"[,linkType])
- list(expression_list)
- List.isort([$Attribute])
- List.nsort([$Attribute])
- List.sort([$Attribute])
- List.unique
- List/
- List/Set.contains("pattern")
- List/Set.each()
- List/Set.empty
- List/Set.format("formatString")
- List/Set.icontains("pattern")
- List/Set.intersect(set)
- List/Set.replace("match","replacement")
- List/Set.reverse
- List/Set.size
- List/,dataOut)
- log(argument)
- lowercase(data)
- max(list)
- min(list)
- minute(theDate[,value])
- minutes(date1,date2)
- mod(argumentA,argumentB)
- month(theDate[,value])
- Number.format(decimalsN[,widthN])
- Number.precision(N)
- pow(n,k)
- radians(argument)
- rand()
- rgb(red,green,blue)
- round(argument)
- runCommand(commandLine[,inputs])
- similarTo("item",N)
- sin(argument)
- sqrt(argument)
- String.captialize()
- String.contains("pattern")
- String.empty
- String.icontains("pattern")
- String.json()
- String.lowercase()
- String.paragraphs(N)
- String.replace("pattern","replacement")
- String.reverse()
- String.size
- String.split("pattern")
- String.substr(startN[,lengthN])
- String.toNumber
- String.uppercase()
- substr(data,start[,length])
- sum(group, value)
- sum_if(group,condition,value)
- tan(argument)
- time(theDate)
- time(theDate,hours,minutes)
- unlinkFrom("[item|group]"[,linkType])
- unlinkTo("[item|group]"[,linkType])
- uppercase(data)
- urlEncode(data)
- values(attribute)
- var
- word(data)
- year(theDate[,value])
- | (query logical OR join)
- |= (logical OR assigment)