New to v5.9.0, String-valued key attributes offer autocompletion when edited in the Key Attributes section of text windows.
Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to select alternative autocompletion possibilities.
To not use the currently suggested auto-complete value - or use a value that is a substring of the suggested value, use the backspace key. The edit box now shows only the characters actually typed by the user.
From v5.9.2, if the value being typed begins with a digit, a decimal point, or a - sign, then autocomplete is inhibited for that value. Autocomplete is inconvenient when used with string attributes that happen to have numeric forms, such as Dewey Decimal numbers or numeric IP addresses or social security numbers. Previously in this case, Tinderbox eagerly made suggestions, but they were unlikely to be very helpful.
From v5.10.1, set and list attributes offer autocompletion based on discrete list values (as opposed to all list values stored for a given note).
From v5.10.2, autocompletion supports values with diacriticals allowing matches beyond the basic ASCII character set.
From v5.11.0, auto-completion is extended to edit-in-place of Outline view column data.