Edit menu

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The Edit menu contains the following items:

  • Undo (last action).
  • Redo (last action). If no last action or last action can't be buffered, this item reads "Can't redo".
  • Cut. Removes the selection and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Copy. Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
  • Copy view picture. Copies current view window contents to clipboard as an image.
  • Paste. Pastes clipboard contents to current cursor position or replaces existing selection.
  • Paste and Match Style. (v4.0.2+) This will cause the font typeface and size of the pasted text to pick-up the setting in the note immediately preceding the paste - whether note default or further altered before the paste. Font color and bold/italics are unaffected.
  • Clear. Deletes current selection.
  • Select All. Select all text in text windows or all notes in current view in view windows.
  • Duplicate. Duplicates the current note(s). The new note is called "[original name] copy". The new note is inserted as the next sibling in views except the the Map view where it is inserted down and right slightly overlapping the source note. Any sequential attributes are incremented, otherwise all attributes are those of the source note.
  • Make Alias. Creates an alias of the currently selected note (only available with a single note is selected). The new alias is inserted as the next sibling in views except the the Map view where it is inserted down and right slightly overlapping the source note.
  • Show Original. Available when an alias is selected. Locates the position of the source note for the alias.
  • Find text... Opens the Find Text dialog.
  • Find next. Finds the next listed match in the current Find.
  • Locate... Opens the Locate dialog
  • Insert Date. Insert Date sub-menu. Added in v3.0.5.
  • Remove line breaks. Strips all line breaks from text in the current window. Useful when reformatting text imported from fixed width sources such as email.
  • Spelling. Spelling sub-menu
  • Ping now. Pings using the setting defined in the Document Preferences Ping tab.
  • Tinderbox Preferences... Opens Tinderbox Preferences (note these are also available from the Tinderbox menu)
  • Document Preferences... Opens Document Preferences.
Edit menu


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[Last updated: 3 Dec 2008]

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