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Built-in Prototypes

The File menu has a sub-menu listing built-in prototypes. These are a series of prototypes pre-configured for quick use. On first addition of one or more of these predefined prototypes to a TBX, Tinderbox adds a root-level container called 'Prototypes'. After the first addition, any other built-in prototypes added are put in the same container.

The built-in types only use system attributes for their customisations, though the user can further customise the basic prototype with user attribute once added to a TBX. The sub-menu is disabled in read-only documents.

The offered prototypes are:

There is nothing stopping the user from further modifying these prototypes once they are in a TBX, for instance by adding user attributes to the key attributes, etc.

The TB-default-created "Prototypes" container is set with $OnAdd of $IsPrototype=true to ensure that any child notes added by the user as automatically set as prototypes. From v5.5.1, the container is also set with $HTMLDontExport as true and $HTMLExportChildren as false. That change ensures that neither the container or its content get exported as this is usually the desired condition.

To store user defined prototypes for easy re-use, the best method is to make a TBX holding just the prototypes (and any necessary user attributes). Place this file in the Templates folder. From there the document can easily be opened to copy across individual prototype notes. Note however, that if the prototype uses any user attributes these must exist in the file to which the note is being copied (the built-in prototypes use only system attributes in their customisation).

From v5.10.0, adding a built-in Template will cause this container to be added, in order to hold the HTML Template prototype needed for the templates.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Misc. User Interface Aspects : Built-in Prototypes