This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

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Style menu

Style menu

The Style menu contains these items; not all text effects may show up in an HTML export:

- the following apply to the selection or open the new style at the insertion point

- the following apply to the current paragraph

- the following apply to the selection or open the new style at the insertion point

A shortcut (new to v5.10.1) [Cmd]+[Ctrl]+[7] to reset selected text to doc-level default preference for $TextFontSize is shown after whichever of the above font sizes matches the default. So if the preference is set to 14 point, as here, the shortcut is listed after that. The shortcut affects only font size and no other embellishment so can be more use for 'resetting' text than the plain text command (further above).


Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Menus : Main Menus : Style menu