This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

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Stamps are complete actions designed for easy re-use, defined in snippets of action code. They enable the user to

Stamps are defined/edited via the Stamps pane of the Attributes dialog. Stamps can be called by:

In the case of the latter simply cite the Stamp name:

$MyString = s_Stamp; 

or even


if the stamps action is a stand-alone action (e.g. a command line call).

Stamps are limited to 255 characters. Longer action code expressions must be stored as rules or some such.

A stamp reference can also be mixed with other action code. From v5.10.2, stamps can no longer be called from within other action code.

In naming your stamps think about making the names clear so they don't clash with things like operator or attribute names. Stamp names are case sensitive. As they aren't usually seen in major views, there's no need to 'pretty' names, making it easier to use something like a common prefix to stamp names (such as 's_') so that they stand out clearly in code.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Actions & Rules : Stamps