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Markup tab

Markup tab

These settings in the Paragraph tab control the markup of HTML text paragraphs:

  • First paragraph. These fields specify what HTML markup should surround the first paragraph of text when the text of this note is exported to HTML. They default to <p> and </p>. Stored in $HTMLFirstParagraphStart and $HTMLFirstParagraphEnd attributes.
  • Subsequent paragraphs. Defaults are as above, but for all other paragraphs of text in the text of the note. Stored in $HTMLParagraphStart and $HTMLParagraphEnd attributes.
  • Indented. As above but for all paragraphs beginning with a tab character; such paragraphs will use <blockquote>. Stored in $HTMLIndentedParagraphStart and $HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd.
  • Before and after note. Empty by default, this is what is exported immediately before a note's opening paragraph mark-up and after a note's final paragraph market, respectively. In effect, mark-up to enclose ^text^. Can be useful in connection with CSS stylesheets, such as setting before and after to <div> and <div>. Stored in $HTMLExportBefore and $HTMLExportAfter attributes.

See also—notes linking to here: