This menu is shown when right-clicking in a view pane with no item selected, in all views except Attribute Browser, Crosstabs, Hyperbolic, and Table. Items may be greyed out according to context and some items vary by view type:
- Map co-ordinates of cursor (Map view only). This shows the $Xpos/$Ypos map co-ordinates of the map cursor when right-clicked. In other views this entry is a blank entry.
- Create Note. Create a new note, placement varies by view type.
- Create Agent. Create a new agent placement varies by view type.
- Create Adornment/Create Separator. View dependent:
- Map view only: Create Adornment. Creates a new adornment, with top left corner in the context-clicked position.
- Outline view only: Create Separator. Creates a new separator at the top of the current outline; for hoisted containers it is created as the first item within the root container of the view.
- All other views. Greyed out, labelled as 'Create Separator'.
- Create Composite. Map view only. Greyed out in all other views. Shows a sub-menu of currently defined composites.
- Paste. Paste clipboard contents to the view.
- Get Info… Always greyed out, as there is no selection.
- Roadmap… Opens Roadmap pop-over.
- Edit Background… (Map, Outline and chart only). Opens the Edit Background pop-over.
- Change Settings… (Timeline only). Opens the Timeline Settings pop-over.
- Cleanup. Opens Clean-up sub-menu. Greyed out in views other than Map view.
See also—notes linking to here: