Released 1 Nov 2024. Build number is 693.
Minor changes not necessarily warranting explicit mention in an aTbRef note:
- Action Code:
- In [List].each(){}, a list of strings containing apostrophes was sometimes parsed incorrectly, leading Tinderbox to append a spurious ‘]’ to the final string in the list.
- When parsing expressions, Tinderbox truncated some multibyte characters, which caused them to be mistaken for operators.
- Stamps run from the Stamps menu (but not those run from the Inspector’s Apply button) show a progress bar when invoked. When using extremely slow stamps, this can help ensure that the stamp is completed before it is invoked again.
- Export:
- Updating the filter bar in large documents — those with more than 1000 notes — is now deferred when typing the filter query until no keystroke has been seen for 5 seconds. This should make it more pleasant to use the filter in larger documents.
- Miscellaneous:
- Changing attributes for large selections in big documents will now be somewhat faster.
- Revisions to the screen updating system to improve performance when working with large selections, while avoiding deadlocks when updates are requested from different threads.
- Revised Exploder to use NSRegularExpression in place of Boost::RegEx.
- Removed code supporting Boost::Regex, with thanks for more than twenty years of service.
- Outline view:
- Text placement in separators has been improved, so that text is visually centred.
- Adjusted the drawing of the icon in outline view in order to avoid icons contacting the following icon.
- URL attributes in outline columns are now editable.
- Print:
- Printing the preview pane no longer requires landscape orientation.
- Text pane:
- Clicking the left margin selects the adjacent line. This failed formerly when trying to select a single empty line.
- Through over-enthusiastic application of quick list indenting, Tinderbox prevented adjustment of the left margin and paragraph indent using the text pane ruler. This should now be corrected.
This version is cited in the following notes: