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Where are crash logs?

Tinderbox is generally very stable but that doesn't mean you may not find some data from the app can't ingest from drag/drop or find some configuration next really designed for.

Should the unfortunate occur, and the app crashes, OS X will create a crash log which it can be helpful to Tech Support in resolving the cause. Such logs are found inside your home folder at:




Within that folder look for files with names in the format "Tinderbox_yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss_macbookpro.crash". Basically, the filename retains the date/time of the crash.

If reporting a crash, attach a copy of the log file(s) to your email. It is also very helpful to support is you can describe the events lading to the crash and/or a step-by-step method to trigger the crash.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Install, Uninstall, Support and Registration : Where are crash logs?