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Text Export - points to consider

Unlike HTML Export, the Text Export (Nakakoji) view works on slightly different premises:

So, if you change the current selection, your Nakakoji view will update. When opening the view you also need to make sure you are aware of the current selection vis-à-vis the the desired scope. This is especially true if selecting a custom template that uses cascading sub-templates. Avoid the novice user's mistake of using HTML export templates with Nakakoji view to see how the export differs! HTML Export templates generally contain code unsuitable for Nakakoji use.

For text export templates, i.e. Nakakoji view use, do not use export ^codes that include other content, such as ^include^, or create links such as ^childLinks^; also consider the impact of such codes existing within the text of actual notes. Why? Depending on the scope (i.e. if more than 'selected note'), the Nakakoji view automatically includes other note's data. Thus using export code includes as well can create recurring loops for the rendering process as effectively keep re-including themselves and Tinderbox may struggle to resolve this (though it has got better at handling gracefully such unexpected scenarios). If using templates that call - or recursively call - child notes, use the 'Selected notes' scope option (#3) rather than 'Selected note and contents' scope (#2 and the default).

When looking at large selections such as the entire document (intentionally or otherwise), do allow time for the code window to render. In such circumstances, with lots of text, it is not unusual to see the spinning beachball 'busy' cursor. If so, allow the application time to complete the task. When Experimenting with large text selections and/or export templates - especially the first few times - it is a good idea to save your TBX before opening the view.

If actual links are required use HTML export instead - Nakakoji text export produces a single monolithic text files for the current scope and not per-note files such as is possible with HTML export. Alternatively, if symbolic link titles are desired - as in the HTML link's anchor text - such as if listing the titles of all child notes (which might lie outside current scope) use the optional parameters of link-creating export codes to suppress HTML code generation and just deliver a list of titles.

The Nakakoji view exports plain text without emphasis mark-up or links, so again, use of link generating export codes is inappropriate but it is feasible to use other export codes codes such as Text Export - points to consider ^uppercase(^text(this,10^)^.

Depending on the scope chosen via the radio button, you may need to consider using different templates. Whilst learning how to use text export templates, first experiment on small data sets (i.e. a single note or a few small notes).

Indenting is possible by using Tabs or ^indent^.

Text export ignores images embedded inline in notes (use HTML export to export images as well).

The mechanism for building text export content was revised in v5.0.1 which should result in faster text export, especially for larger/more complex exports.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Import/Export/Formatting : Text Export - points to consider