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Export - managing source code white space

When ^export^ code is evaluated, it inserts the necessary code into the output - or none - as pertinent. In the case of ^if()^ clauses this can lead to blank lines in the output source code as although the unmatched branch emits nothing, the line return after ^endIf^ is still emitted.

The trick is to place the line return inside the if clause. This is achieved by placing the ^endIf^ on the next line. Originally you might have had this:

	There are ^value($ChildCount)^ children

Which would either emit a blank source line before/after the number of children, or a blank lines if there are no children. To resolve this, use:

	^if(ChildCount)^There are ^value($ChildCount)^ children

If using an ^else^ branch apply the same principle - i.e. ensure all line breaks belonging to the result of if clause are inside the if statement:

	^if(ChildCount)^There are ^value($ChildCount)^ children
	^else^There are no children

If source code is indented with tabs or spaces, don't forget the ^endIf^, precedes such indentation rather than coming before the first on-screen output.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Import/Export/Formatting : Export - managing source code white space