This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

Jump to the current version of aTbRef.

Tinderbox Icon


Attribute Data Type: 

Attribute Default Value: 

Attribute Group: 

Attribute Purpose: 

Attribute Inherited from Preferences?   

Attribute Read-Only? 

Attribute Intrinsic? 

Attribute First Added: 

Attribute Altered: 

 URL   [other URL-type attributes]

 (not set - empty string)

 Net   [other Net Group attributes]

 Import configuration




 Already in v5.0.0


Specifies the URL to be used if the current notes fetches its text content from the web.

As well as 'http' URLs, 'mailto' addresses and other such protocols can be used, including pseudo protocols used by some desktop app. The $ViewInBrowser attribute controls whether the fetched content is shown in the note or in a web browser window.

Prior to v5 this was a string data type attribute.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Attributes : Attribute Groups within Tinderbox : Net Attributes : URL